The “Law to Promote Private Initiative in Energy Generation” (the “Law”) was published on October 28, 2024, in Official Gazette Supplement No. 673. The Law aims to encourage private investment in renewable energy generation to help overcome the country’s energy crisis.

Below is a summary of the Law:

  1. Transitional generation is defined as “…non-renewable generation technologies with low environmental impact, which allow for a gradual transition of the energy matrix.”
  1. Concession contracts may be backed by guarantees to be defined in the regulations of the Law.
  1. The collection and payment for regulated demand transactions shall be carried out according to the priority order set by the Energy Regulation and Control Agency (“ARCONEL”). Distributors may establish a trust to ensure compliance with this priority order.
  1. Installed assets for self-supply, self-generation, cogeneration, and unconventional renewable energy generation up to 10 MW will not revert to the State.
  1. For priority projects listed in the Master Electricity Plan (“PME”), the Ministry of Energy and Mines (“MEM”) will conduct public selection processes.
  1. If a renewable or transitional energy project is identified by the private sector, is not included in the PME, and has a capacity of less than 100 MW, it may be developed by the proponent with prior authorization from the MEM. For larger capacities, delegation through a public selection process will be required.
  1. Priority and preferential pricing will be given to private projects up to 100 MW that promote the use of clean technologies and unconventional renewable energy with storage capacity and interconnection networks.
  1. Only unconventional renewable energy projects up to 10 MW will be granted priority dispatch and preferential pricing.
  1. The MEM must include legal stability clauses in all contracts with public or private entities, considering the central and local taxes in effect at the time of contract signing.
  1. Private projects with a 10 MW limit, either in the permitting phase or in operation, may request permit reviews or power adjustments, respectively, to comply with the new limits of the Bill.
  1. The holder of the concession contract resulting from a PPS may utilize mechanisms to guarantee payment to their financiers or creditors, who may enter into direct agreements with the granting entity to ensure the continuity of the project. Step-in rights in favor of financiers and creditors will be established in the Law’s regulations.
  1. Thermoelectric generators must present transition plans to clean technologies, including natural gas use, and develop hybrid projects combining thermal and renewable energy. The State will facilitate the granting of licenses for natural gas imports.
  1. Legal entities established in the country may import natural gas for self-consumption in productive processes or to generate electricity.
  1. Public and private banks may offer financial products or loans with preferential rates to individuals and legal entities seeking to implement self-supply energy generation systems (“Self-Supply Systems”) using renewable sources.
  1. Beneficiaries of Self-Supply Systems may sell any surplus energy generated.
  1. Decentralized Autonomous Governments must implement waste management systems, including waste processing for energy generation to be sold to the National Interconnected System.
  1. By December 13, 2024, ARCONEL and MEM must issue the necessary regulations for implementing the Law.
  1. By November 27, 2024, the Hydrocarbon Regulation and Control Agency and MEM must issue regulations for the importation of natural gas for generation or self-generation projects.
  1. By November 27, 2024, distributors must sign regulated contracts with the concessionaires of PME projects with the respective concession contracts.
  1. By January 28, 2025, MEM must call for tenders for the exploitation and repowering of identified natural gas fields.


Carlos Torres, Senior Associate at CorralRosales
+593 2 2567676

Mario Fernández, Associate at CorralRosales
+593 2 2544144


NOTE: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.