Teleamazonas – The Government promotes a new mining policy to attract more investment

Teleamazonas - The Government promotes a new mining policy to attract more investment - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 24-08-2021


Rafael Serrano

MEDIA: Teleamazonas

Ecuador launched a new mining policy. From 2018 to 2020, this sector paid USD 1,300 million in taxes. So far, in 2021, it has paid USD 421 million, with a projection of up to USD 1,600 million. Teleamazonas invited our experienced senior associate Rafael Serrano, a specialist in Environmental Law, to discuss this new policy.

“A fundamental rule for the development of the sector demonstrates the will of the Government and that of the Ecuadorian State to promote this industry that, if administered correctly, can bring great benefits,” adds Serrano.

The National Government, through decree 151, ordered to issue “the Action Plan for the Mining Sector of Ecuador.” Article 2 adds that “the State will be the generator and coordinator of public policies that promote the development of the mining sector, national and foreign investment, and the increase in exports of mining products.” For experts in the topic, this is a big step within the mining sector.

Serrano adds that “the objective is the development of environmentally and socially responsible mining, which protects investment, both national and foreign.” And, to conclude, he adds that what is needed is “stability and clear rules of the game so that investors know where to invest. These are investments of hundreds of millions of dollars ”.

If you want to see the video of the news, click here

Teleamazonas – CNT suffered a “highly sophisticated” cyberattack

Teleamazonas - CNT suffered a "highly sophisticated" cyberattack - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 16-08-2021


Rafael Serrano

MEDIA: Teleamazonas

In July, CNT (National Telecommunications Corporation) was the victim of a cyberattack, the intentions of which are still unknown. Nevertheless, the attack puts the cybersecurity policies that all companies and institutions must have under scrutiny, and the topic became a talking point in Ecuador.

Teleamazonas wanted to have the opinion of our senior associate, an expert in new technologies and information security, Rafael Serrano, to offer a vision of what changes should be made to avoid future attacks.

Serrano affirms that “CNT and all public institutions must begin to have cybersecurity policies” since no one is exempt from risk, and besides, there are ways to prevent it.

After the situation and the CNT having been declared in emergency, decisions will be made regarding the equipment, given that, according to Byron Zapata, CNT’s surrogate manager, there are resources available.

“The right thing to do is to have different systems that can secure and diversify the information,” says Serrano. He also adds that “in this way, if someone has an attack or finds a problem, they have a backup in other systems, and the entire State continues to function.”

To conclude the interview, Serrano affirms that “according to Ransomware, it is only an attack, an attempt. So, therefore, they can’t take the appropriate measures unless they identify what happened or what the attackers are asking for.”

All the information that has been violated is not yet known in detail.

If you want to see the video of the news, click here

Joint Ventures in Ecuador

Joint Ventures in Ecuador - CorralRosales - Lawyers in Ecuador

The term Joint Venture appeared in the United States of America and has been widely accepted worldwide. It is a concept with a very broad meaning, which, in essence refers to agreements executed between individuals or companies in order to undertake a joint project, in which the rules that will be applied to its operation are determined.

The main characteristic of the Joint Venture is its contractual nature. This figure is used to designate different forms of cooperation between individuals or legal entities in order to achieve a common objective through the contribution of resources, without the parties losing their legal autonomy. The application of this type of contract is wide; contracts for marketing, manufacturing, supply, sales, technology, exploitation of natural resources, among others.

The doctrine mainly distinguishes between two types of Joint Ventures: i) Joint Venture Corporation and ii) Joint Venture Agreement. The difference between these figures is that the former has the purpose of incorporating a company different from its members, while the latter excludes any type of corporate relationship.

Notwithstanding the type of Joint Venture chosen, an essential element is its duration. This means that it must necessarily be a contract of a consecutive nature – not of instantaneous enforcement – since this duration is the one that allows the parties to venture jointly.

In Ecuador, the Joint Venture is regulated by the “EIGHTH TITLE of BUSINESS COLLABORATION” of the new Commercial Code (“Cc”) that came into force in 2019. It provides for two figures: the “Joint Venture” (Articles 585 to 600) and the “Commercial Consortium” (Articles 601 to 607).

Article 585 of the Cc defines the Joint Venture as:

A contract of associative nature, by means of which two or more persons, whether natural or legal, agree to operate a business in common for a specified period of time, agreeing to participate in the profits resulting from it, as well as to be liable for the obligations undertaken and for the losses incurred.”

 The following elements are worth highlighting:

  1. Contractual nature
  2. Associative nature
  3. Two or more individuals or legal entities
  4. Common business
  5. Determined period of time
  6. The parties participate in the profits and are liable for the obligations and losses.

It should be noted that the Cc only regulates the Joint Venture Agreement and does not refer to the Joint Venture Corporation or other types of Joint Venture. According to the provisions of the Cc the contract must be executed in writing, without the need for a public deed. Its termination must be carried out in the same way its constitution was executed. The instrument evidencing the termination decision shall detail the outstanding obligations and pending credits and the way in which the parties will be liable for them.

The contract must mainly establish:

  1. The business purpose and the term of duration.
  2. The internal rules regarding control and management, establishing the way in which the members will manage their interests.
  3. The form of profit sharing.
  4. The rules concerning the representation of the Joint Venture (i.e. whether a special attorney-in-fact will be appointed or whether the associates will represent it directly).
  5. The way in which the parties will respond vis-à-vis third parties, for example, if the liability is joint and several or proportional to the contributions, or certain quotas.
  6. How relationships between participants will be managed.
  7. The rules concerning dispute resolution.

If the parties do not provide for or do not agree on any of the elements mentioned above, the contract will be governed by the provisions established in Cc. For example, in the event of failure to indicate the party’s liability vis-à-vis- third parties, they will be jointly and severally liable or, as the case may be, will act as joint and several co-creditors.

The specific difference between a company and a Joint Venture is that the latter is not a legal person. Since it is not a company with limited liability, but an association, the liability  towards third parties is not limited to their capital contributions, but depends on what its members agree. In addition, the completion of the Joint Venture occurs with the consent of the parties in a written document and is not subject to any additional formality, nor to the control of the Superintendence of Companies.

Although the Cc does not regulate other types of Joint Venture, this does not imply that other types of Joint Venture are not allowed in Ecuador, such as:

  • Joint Venture Corporation through a new company: Two (or more) parties participate as shareholders with specific roles. In this case, with the creation of a new company, the liability via-a-vis third parties depends on the type of company adopted for this purpose, but in general the liability is limited to capital contributions.
  • Joint Venture Corporation through an existing company: The company of one of the parties is used to develop the business and internal accounting is kept per business unit for internal control. The liability to third parties follows the rules expressed in point i) above.
  • International Joint Venture: A figure characterized by individuals or companies from different countries. The legal figure that they adopt will depend on the agreements between the parties.

From a tax standpoint, even if the Joint Venture does not have a legal personality, it must comply with its tax obligations in accordance with the scope of its contract. Thus, article 98 of the Internal Tax Regime Law (Ley Orgánica de Régimen Tributario Interno) stipulates that -for tax purposes- the Joint Venture Agreement is considered as a company, so it must be registered in the Single Taxpayer Registry (Registro Único de Contribuyentes (RUC)). In the case of a Joint Venture Corporation, tax obligations go hand in hand with the type of company adopted.

In the antitrust field, it shall be noted that the Joint Venture is subject to antitrust legislation, since its creation may require prior authorization by the antitrust authority or be sanctioned pursuant to the provisions of the Organic Law for the Control of Market Power (Ley Orgánica de Control de Poder de Mercado) and its Regulation.

In conclusion, the Joint Venture should be conceived as a useful legal figure that can provide solutions at a time when it is necessary to be practical, dynamic, and creative with resources. Although its practicality is high, it is essential to carry out a legal analysis, case by case, in order to determine if it is the best legal instrument for the business. In any case, careful planning and communication, reflected in a contract that adequately captures the parties’ will, is key.

María Isabel Torres
Asocciate at CorralRosales

WTR World Trademark Review – Foreign Companies as Intellectual Property Holders in Ecuador


DATE: 14-07-2021


Andrea Miño Moncayo

On July 14, 2021, World Trademark Review (WTR), the media specialized in Intellectual Property, published an article written by Andrea Miño Moncayo.  In her article, our associate comments on a pervasive problem in Ecuador regarding the appropriation of internationally recognized brands by third parties.

The appropriation is usually done through registration applications with the relevant authority and even by marketing products under these brands without proper authorization.

The arguments of the offenders are varied, and they particularly emphasize that the foreign companies in question are not domiciled in the country. Therefore, they could not carry out activities or defend their intellectual property rights in this particular case.

Miño Moncayo emphasizes in the article that, “to try to justify this (blatantly illegal) conduct, some lawyers have resorted to wrongly allege before the courts that the doctrine of the Superintendency of Companies will be applied, according to which a company established outside the country must be domiciled in Ecuador to be able to carry out activities in the country. “

Miño Moncayo then goes through international and local regulations applicable in this case, including the hierarchy of each of them, to demonstrate that the appropriation and use of these marks are illegal and are not justified within the Ecuadorian legal system.

She concludes by highlighting that “it is essential that the preliminary decisions issued by the Court of Justice of the Andean Community in these cases are specific and clear, to avoid erroneous arguments causing damage to the rights of foreign companies not domiciled in Ecuador.”

To see the full article (under registration), click here.

Latin Lawyer – Multiple Firms Help Dutch Paint Company Expand in Latin America.


DATE: 16-07-2021


Partners: Xavier Rosales and Andrea Moya

Associates in Quito: Milton Carrera, Ana Samudio, Marta Villagómez, Rafael Serrano, Maria Isabel Torres, Jimmy Rodríguez, Darío Escobar and Sofía Rosales

Associates in Guayaquil: Ramón Paz y Miño and Edgar Bustamante 

MEDIA: Latin Lawyer

On July 16, 2021, Latin Lawyer, the international media dedicated to the legal sector, shared the transaction involving the Dutch company AkzoNobel; this company specializes in decorative and industrial paint and chemical products. CorralRosales acted as a legal advisor in Ecuador.

Through this multinational transaction closed on June 29, AkzoNobel acquired the Orbis Group, a Colombian business conglomerate with several subsidiary companies dedicated to manufacturing paint and derived chemical products. This conglomerate operates in 16 Latin American countries.

The transaction is still pending regulatory approval in several countries and is expected to be finalized by the end of this year.

In addition to having the advice of CorralRosales in Ecuador, the following firms also contributed to the transaction:

AkzoNobel advisers: Baker McKenzie in Colombia, Arias in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

Grupo Orbis Advisors: Posse Herrera Ruiz in Colombia, BLP in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and Robalino Law in Ecuador.

If you want to see the full article (under registration), click here.

Changes in Border Measures and Criminalization of IP.

Intellectual Property regulatory corrections; border measures and penalization - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador

The Congress gave way to the partial objection issued by the Executive Branch, thus approving the “Law that Reforms Various laws to Reinforce the Prevention and Combat of Illicit Commerce in order to Strengthen the National Industry and Promote Electronic Commerce.” In addition, the law foresees reforms in intellectual property matters.

In particular, this reform includes provisions regarding (i) intellectual property crimes, their punishment and handling, expanding the punishable acts, and (ii) the border measures proceedingds

I. Intellectual Property Crimes

The Executive Branch veto sought to correct certain inconsistencies and drafting errors in the text approved by the Assembly. As a result, it details criminal conducts in a much better way, the conditions that must be taken into account to assess the existence of the crime and how these crimes are to be treated and judged.

The reform of the criminal law establishes that, for these behaviors to be considered crimes, they must include several elements that would differentiate it from a “simple” infringement of intellectual property rights as it conditions its sanction to the infringement happening in knowledge, that it has a lucrative purpose, and that it is on a commercial scale.

These conditions include criminal offense and penalizing whoever manufactures, commercializes, or stores labels, stamps, or containers containing trademarks or denominations of origin registered in the country.

It also sanctions whoever separates, starts, replaces, or uses labels, stamps, or containers that contain registered trademarks in the country to use them in goods of different origin, fills containers identified with trademarks belonging to a third party with spurious goods; stores, manufactures, uses, offers for sale, sells, imports or exports goods covered by apatent, utility model, industrial design, a plant variety (including its material for reproduction, propagation or multiplication) or a layout design.

It also includes possible infringements -which from our experience, will make up the vast majority of intellectual property criminal actions- against whoever stores, manufactures, uses, offers for sale, sells, imports or exports a product or service that uses an unregistered trademark identical or similar to one registered in the country; the competitive connection between the infringing goods or services and those identified by the registered trademarks must be clear.

In addition, the law eliminates the condition of a minimum amount to constitute a crime, clarifying that to consider the offending conduct a crime (on a commercial scale), the magnitude, economic value, quantity, and impact on the market must be considered. It also specifies that in foreign trade cases, it is regarded as a crime when the goods are valued at more than 50 unified basic salaries (SBU) – US $ 20,000 to date – stating that the cost of the original product must be taken into account for this appraisal.

Regarding the sanctions, the law establishes an incarceration sentence of 6 months to 1 year, confiscation (of the seized goods), and a fine of 8 to 300 SBU (US $ 3,200 to US $ 120,000 to date). In addition, the following are reinstated as an aggravating factor for the criminal offense: (i) having received a warning of the offense; (ii) that health-related goods cause damage to health; and (iii) that the crime is committed concerning unpublished works.

Regarding copyright, the same conditions described before apply. In addition, the following actions are sanctioned with the penalty mentioned in the previous paragraph: alteration or mutilation of a piece of work; the registration, publication, distribution, communication, or reproduction of a foreign work as one’s own; unauthorized reproduction or in a number greater than the authorized number of the work, provided that the damage is greater than 50 SBU (US $ 20,000 to date); public communication of works or phonograms; introduction to the country, storage, offering for sale, sale, lease or circulation of illicit reproductions of works, by any means; unauthorized retransmission of radio broadcasting, television and in general any signal that is transmitted through the radioelectric spectrum; manufacture, import, export, sale or lease of devices, systems or software that allow deciphering an encrypted satellite signal carrying programs or telecommunications in general.

The reform makes an essential clarification about certain conditions on the crime, such as the precise meaning of the term “commercial scale” and how to assess the appraisal of the goods.

The law also includes provisions on the destination of the seized goods, which may be considered donations to cover social needs by the State or destroyed. An expert report issued by an expert duly accredited by the Judicial Council is needed. The expert has to establish whether the goods must be destroyed or render useless.

Finally, the law includes conciliation as a dispute resolution mechanism.

In conclusion, the reform is positive because it seeks greater agility in processing and prosecuting intellectual property crimes.

II. Border Measures

After almost five years of a legal vacuum in this matter, the Executive Branch veto, also corrected the inadequate text approved by the Legislature returning the “mixed” system to the country for the execution of border measures. It allows the National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE) to be the first filter of infringing goods entering or exiting the country, suspending the customs process provisionally, which has to be confirmed by the local intellectual property office.

The reform empowers SENAE to: (i) suspend the customs procedure for goods that, in any way, violate intellectual property rights, (ii) alert the holders of these rights, and (iii) provide adequate information to act in these cases.

The suspension of the customs process will initially be five days. During these five days, this suspension must be communicated to the importer, the right holder, and the local intellectual property office. After that, it will have three days to decide on a resolution.

The law maintains the obligation to provide sufficient information to the intellectual property authority about the infringing goods and the conditions of the infringement, and the possibility of inspecting the goods involved.

The authority may sanction the offender with a cash penalty ranging between 1.5 and 142 SBU (US $ 600 to 56,800 to date).

Per the regulations of the Andean Community, the reform provides that the right holder may bring either an administrative, civil, or criminal action when the adoption of the border measure has been confirmed. Although there is a contradiction with the Andean supranational norm regarding the term to bring it (10 days), the Andean Law prevails. The holders of intellectual property rights will have a predominant performance in these cases since they must participate actively, both in the criminal proceedings and in the cases of border measures, accompanying the authorities through all the steps.

The law maintains the possibility of requiring the person requesting the adoption of a border measure to provide a guarantee that will be proportional to the possible economic and commercial impact generated by the suspension to protect the importer or exporter from a possible case of abuse of rights.

This reform corrects elements that have caused a notable increase in intellectual property infringements in Ecuador and led to actions against retailers or small merchants. Unfortunately, these elements were leaving importers or wholesalers who are the primary beneficiaries of the illicit trade unpunished.

The reforms will come into force after its publication in the Official Registry.*

*This reform is in force since August 27, 2021.

Eduardo Ríos
Asocciate at CorralRosales

Industria Legal – The Cannabis and Hemp Industry Generates Expectations in Ecuador


DATE: 02-07-2021


Felipe Samaniego

December 2019 was a month of legal changes in Ecuador. First, the Organic Law Reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code was published. Still, it was not until June 2020 that it came into force, reforming the Organic Law for the Comprehensive Prevention of the Socioeconomic Phenomenon of Drugs and the Regulation and Control of the Use of Listed Substances Subject to Control. The magazine Industria Legal dedicates a page to the information offered about this matter by our expert partner in Regulatory Law, Felipe Samaniego since this reform gave way to Ecuador’s new cannabis and hemp industry.

The exclusion of substances subject to control to cannabis and hemp with less than 1% THC in dry weight and a term of 120 days for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to issue the corresponding regulation are among the new reforms.

Not only that, but also, through this agreement, new guidelines are established applicable to the regime of seven licenses, different for each activity allowed in the non-psychoactive cannabis industry, hemp and hemp for industrial use, “from the import and production of seeds to the production and export of derivatives, biomass and/or flowers,” according to Samaniego.

Our expert ends his article stating that “the rapid development of the regulatory framework that regulates the activities of agroindustrial activities, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, caused that both the Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Regulation, Control, and Sanitary Surveillance (ARCSA) as well as the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary (AGROCALIDAD) issue the normative bodies that regulate finished products destined for human and veterinary use and consumption that have derivatives of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp in their composition ”.

If you want to see the article, click here

PharmaBoardroom – Emerging cannabis and hemp industry in Ecuador

PharmaBoardroom - Emerging cannabis and hemp industry in Ecuador - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 28-06-2021


Felipe Samaniego

With the Criminal Law Reform enacted a year ago, the cannabis and industrial hemp industry has become an emerging industry in Ecuador. Our partner Felipe Samaniego writes about it for Pharma Boardroom.

Samaniego begins the article by writing about what’s new since the reforms now include decriminalizing the possession of drugs that contain cannabis or derivatives as an active ingredient for therapeutic, palliative, medicinal use, or alternative medicine.

The Law for Drug Use, Prevention, and Control is also modified with the change, which now excludes the control of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp.

On October 19, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Ministerial Agreement No. 109-2020, which regulates the Import, Sowing, Cultivation, Harvest, Post-harvest, Storage, Transportation, Processing, Marketing, and Export of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp and hemp for industrial use.

Samaniego adds that “this regulation establishes the requirements that must be met to obtain the seven types of licenses, which authorize the following activities only concerning cannabis or hemp with a THC concentration of less than 1%:

  1. License for Import and Marketing of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Seeds or Cuttings, or Hemp Seeds for Industrial Use.
  2. License for the Import and Commercialization of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Seeds, or Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Cuttings or Hemp Seeds for Industrial Use.
  3. License for the cultivation of cannabis or non-psychoactive hemp.
  4. License to grow hemp for industrial use.
  5. License for the processing of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp and production of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp derivatives.
  6. License for Banks and Research of Plant Improvement and/or Germplasm.
  7. License for the Acquisition of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Derivatives and/or Biomass or Flowers, or Hemp Biomass for Industrial Use for Export.

As soon as this came into effect, the Ministry of Health and the Agency for Health Regulation, Control, and Surveillance had to develop regulations applicable to finished products. This happened because the Criminal Law “also opened the door to producing and importing finished products,” according to our partner.

Samaniego also adds that at the end of February of this year 2020, “the Health Regulation, Control, and Surveillance Agency issued a resolution with the ‘Sanitary Technical Regulations for the regulation and control of products for human use and consumption that contain cannabis non-psychoactive or hemp, or its derivatives.” This resolution makes it possible to legally produce, import, and commercialize the following finished products with the THC concentration specified in each category:

  • Less than 1% THC: general, natural pharmaceutical products processed for medicinal use and homeopathic. Also cosmetic products and medical devices; hygienic products for industrial use; pesticides for domestic use, for public health or for industrial use; household hygiene products and absorbents for personal hygiene.
  • Less than 0.3% THC: processed foods and food supplements.

On February 26, Ministerial Agreement No. 148-2021 was also issued after a meeting of experts developed regulations for the prescription, provision, and therapeutic use of medicinal cannabis and pharmaceutical products containing cannabinoids.

Samaniego concludes by pointing out that “the regulatory framework for cannabis / hemp has moved relatively quickly in Ecuador and has opened the eyes of many local and international investors. The authorities are aware of what this industry can generate for the country regarding research and investment. Ecuador is the only country in the region that has shown such openness; the players will be able to develop a myriad of producs as long as they abide by all the rules. As a result, this area is expected to become a research and development group for cannabis and hemp products to be sold worldwide.”

If you want to see the article, click here

LexLatin – Change of Government in Ecuador: investment opportunities

LexLatin - Change of Government in Ecuador: investment opportunities - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 23-06-2021


Andrea Moya

MEDIA: LexLatin

Ecuador has gone through the first month of Guillermo Lasso’s presidency and, as our partner specialist in Tax Law, Andrea Moya, says for LexLatin, “the basis of his administration have been established”. If we consider the benefits that were created during the last two governments with the proposals of the new president, and the return to ICSID, the outlook is very interesting for foreign investors.

CorralRosales is going through a moment in which a large number of foreign companies are requesting advice on investments in Ecuador and on Mergers and Acquisitions. It is important to know the incentives available if you want to invest in Ecuador and the different mechanisms to protect such investment.

Andrea points out that the most important tax benefits are the exemption from income tax (25%), which can be for 8 years or even 12 years, depending on the location of the investment, and the exemption from outflow tax on the import of commodities and capital goods necessary for the project.

It is also essential to know the scope of the investment contracts that may be entered into with the Ecuadorian government. These instruments allow to protect the investment, agree arbitration, and maintain immovable the applicable benefits, despite any subsequent legal reform.

In order to sign this contract, there is a fundamental requirement: the investment must be at least US$1 million and US$250,000 of this amount must be executed in the first year.

However, the most important thing to attract investments to Ecuador is to undertake a comprehensive reform to the tax and labor regimes.

If you want to see the article, click here

Revista Gestión – Legal mayhem

revista-gestion-legal-mayhem - Lawyers Ecuador - CorralRosales


DATE: 22-06-2021


Francisco Rosales

“A great number of laws does not make a nation better. On the contrary, the proliferation of laws is a symptom of disorder and underdevelopment. There is a good need for a legislative moratorium so that the National Assembly can fix the legal chaos by codifying the fundamental laws for social coexistence, among which, without a doubt, are the tax laws”.

That’s how our partner Francisco Rosales begins his article for Gestión Magazine. He offers his opinion on the lack of a legal framework in Ecuador to provide confidence to the investor. From his point of view, “A fundamental element for the development of a country is its legal framework; it must be clear, orderly, stable and consistent. And, along with it, an enlightened, timely, autonomous and trustworthy administration of justice”. Unfortunately, Ecuador does not have it.

Tax laws become essential within the legal framework. Rosales adds that “in the last 14 years, between 2007 and 2021, 28 tax reforms have been enacted in Ecuador containing a plethora of laws and changes that have created monumental chaos complicating the already serious economic situation we are experiencing.”

Ecuador is currently in need of sustained economic growth of at least 5% per year for the next 20 years, but this projection does not seem to be happening today.

The Legislative Chaos

In the words of Rosales, on top of the norm that applies to dividends paid by companies domiciled in the country, “we have to add the regulations of the Internal Tax Regime Law and the hundreds of general resolutions issued by the Internal Revenues Service.

Legislative Failure

The Legislature Assembly of the country has failed to fulfill one of its fundamental functions, that is: “Mandatorily Issue, codify, reform and interpret laws.” “In turn, Article 31 of the Organic Law of the Legislative Function carries out its obligation to codify the laws by ruling that the Plenary of the Assembly may request that the Legislative Technical Unit carries out the obligation to codify the laws by ruling that the Plenary of the Assembly may request that the Legislative Technical Unit prepares the codification of certain laws, send it to the respective permanent commission, and that, with its report, the plenary, in a single debate, approve the codification and that the president of the plenary orders its publication in the Official Registry”, concludes Rosales.

If you want to see the article, click here