WTR World Trademark Review – Foreign Companies as Intellectual Property Holders in Ecuador


DATE: 14-07-2021


Andrea Miño Moncayo

On July 14, 2021, World Trademark Review (WTR), the media specialized in Intellectual Property, published an article written by Andrea Miño Moncayo.  In her article, our associate comments on a pervasive problem in Ecuador regarding the appropriation of internationally recognized brands by third parties.

The appropriation is usually done through registration applications with the relevant authority and even by marketing products under these brands without proper authorization.

The arguments of the offenders are varied, and they particularly emphasize that the foreign companies in question are not domiciled in the country. Therefore, they could not carry out activities or defend their intellectual property rights in this particular case.

Miño Moncayo emphasizes in the article that, “to try to justify this (blatantly illegal) conduct, some lawyers have resorted to wrongly allege before the courts that the doctrine of the Superintendency of Companies will be applied, according to which a company established outside the country must be domiciled in Ecuador to be able to carry out activities in the country. “

Miño Moncayo then goes through international and local regulations applicable in this case, including the hierarchy of each of them, to demonstrate that the appropriation and use of these marks are illegal and are not justified within the Ecuadorian legal system.

She concludes by highlighting that “it is essential that the preliminary decisions issued by the Court of Justice of the Andean Community in these cases are specific and clear, to avoid erroneous arguments causing damage to the rights of foreign companies not domiciled in Ecuador.”

To see the full article (under registration), click here.