Through Official Letter DADM-MP-01, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued the “Donation Process Manual”, which regulates the process to donate equipment and supplies to the National Police and access the 150% additional deduction for the calculation of income tax.
Article 10 of the Internal Tax Regime Law provides an additional deduction of 150% on the taxable base of income tax for donations of equipment and supplies to the National Police, aimed at protecting public order.
According to the Manual, the donor must meet the following general requirements:
- Not be subject to legal prohibitions for contracting with the Government.
- Have an “active” status in the Single Taxpayer Registry.
- Be the owner, possessor, manufacturer, or buyer of the equipment and supplies to be donated.
The donation request must include the following documents:
- Declaration of the legality of funds in the format provided in the Manual.
- Letter of intent to donate, which should include the general data of the donor and the technical specifications of the equipment or supplies to be donated.
In the case of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and accessories, the corresponding permits must be attached, and the import documentation if applicable.
In the case of used equipment and supplies (tangible or intangible), a report must be attached that establishes the state of the used good, its conditions, and useful life.
Andrea Moya, Partner at CorralRosales
+593 2 2544144
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