The Reformatory Organic Law of the Organic Code of the Judicial Function, published in the Supplement to Official Gazette No. 345 of December 8, 2020, regulated the recess and vacation periods of the Judicial Function.

By virtue of this reform, the judiciary servants of Ecuador will enjoy their annual vacations in two fifteen-day periods each:

  1. The first, in the Sierra and Amazon regions from August 1 to 15 and in the Coastal and Island regions from March 17 to 31.
  2. The second, in the entire country, from December 23 to January 6 of the following year.
During these periods, the Judiciary goes into recess, and, therefore, the deadlines and terms within any legal proceedings in progress are suspended.

Please note that general and specialized criminal courts, tribunals and chambers, as well as courts for family, women, children and adolescents will not be subject to these recesses.

During the time of the vacancy, actions for jurisdictional guarantees may be filed, and after a draw these will be heard by those judges who continue working during this time.

Exceptionally, in cases of fortuitous event or force majeure, the Judiciary Council may change the dates of these recesses.

In order to guarantee permanent services to the citizens, the Judiciary Council will coordinate the annual vacations system with the rest of the auxiliary and autonomous bodies of the Judiciary.

The Plenary of the Judiciary Council determined, by Resolution 141- 2020 issued on December 14, 2020,  that the annual vacations for judiciary servants nation-wide and the Judicial Function recess for 2020 will be applied in accordance with the above-mentioned reform. Consequently, there will be a judicial recess from December 23, 2020 to January 6, 2021. Therefore, any the hearings and proceedings that were scheduled within these dates will be rescheduled.

The Director of the Judiciary Council shall issue the resolution corresponding to the vacation system for the administrative servants of the Judiciary, in coordination with its other autonomous and auxiliary bodies.

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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.