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Amendments to the law of companies
a) Permitted activities outside the corporate purpose: Companies are allowed to occasionally or in an isolated manner enter into acts or contracts for investment, research or experimentation purposes, or as reasonable contributions of a civic or social nature.
b) Elimination of the opposition process: The process of opposition by third parties to the reduction of capital, change of name, early dissolution and change of domicile is hereby eliminated.
c) Single shareholder: The stock company and the limited liability company may subsist with a single shareholder. For its incorporation, at least two contracting parties must participate. Consequently, the cause for dissolution is hereby eliminated if a second shareholder is not incorporated within six months.
d) Corporate acts that do not require approval: The voluntary and anticipated dissolution does not require previous authorization of the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance. Therefore, the direct inscription of the corporate act in the Mercantile Registry is allowed for the beginning of the liquidation, which will be supervised by the control entity.
Neither does the change of name, change of domicile and modification of the corporate term require prior authorization.
e) Indefinite term: Stock and limited liability companies can be set up for an indefinite term.
f) President of the board of directors and legal representative: In the companies in which the bylaws provide for the existence of a board of directors, the legal representative of the company may not be the president or representative of that body.
g) Share premium: When non-shareholders participate in a capital increase, it may be decided the new shares to be issued with a value greater than the nominal value (share premium) to be paid by the new shareholders. The issue premium will be part of the voluntary reserves and will be freely agreed upon by the investor and the company.
h) Voluntary control: Stock companies may or may not have commissaries as a control body.
i) Loss absorbency: When a company registers operational losses and has reserves, these will be automatically called to be wiped out.
j) Cause of dissolution for losses: A company will incur in a cause of dissolution for losses when these represent 60% or more of the assets and this situation is maintained for more than 5 continuous years.
k) Transfer of the registered office abroad: The transfer of the registered office of an Ecuadorian company abroad is allowed if the receiving country allows the maintenance of the legal status of the company.
l) Global assignment of assets and liabilities to liquidate a company: A company may transfer in block all its assets to third parties, shareholders or other parties in exchange for a consideration. The global transfer of assets and liabilities must be approved unanimously by the general meeting of shareholders, granted by public deed and will not require the approval of the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance. The global assignment of assets and liabilities will have the effects of the transfer of companies as economic units as provided in the Code of Commerce. The assigning company will cancel its registration in the Commercial Registry without any additional procedure once the total value received from the global assignment of assets and liabilities has been distributed among its shareholders. The joint and several obligations that under the Commercial Code are attributable to the person transferring the company will be assumed by the shareholders of the extinct company in proportion to their participation in the share capital.
m) Association or Joint Purse Agreements: The regulations regarding this figure, with some modifications, are excluded from the Law of Companies and are incorporated as reforms to the Code of Commerce.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Judicial recess
By virtue of this reform, the judiciary servants of Ecuador will enjoy their annual vacations in two fifteen-day periods each:
- The first, in the Sierra and Amazon regions from August 1 to 15 and in the Coastal and Island regions from March 17 to 31.
- The second, in the entire country, from December 23 to January 6 of the following year.
Please note that general and specialized criminal courts, tribunals and chambers, as well as courts for family, women, children and adolescents will not be subject to these recesses.
During the time of the vacancy, actions for jurisdictional guarantees may be filed, and after a draw these will be heard by those judges who continue working during this time.
Exceptionally, in cases of fortuitous event or force majeure, the Judiciary Council may change the dates of these recesses.
In order to guarantee permanent services to the citizens, the Judiciary Council will coordinate the annual vacations system with the rest of the auxiliary and autonomous bodies of the Judiciary.
The Plenary of the Judiciary Council determined, by Resolution 141- 2020 issued on December 14, 2020, that the annual vacations for judiciary servants nation-wide and the Judicial Function recess for 2020 will be applied in accordance with the above-mentioned reform. Consequently, there will be a judicial recess from December 23, 2020 to January 6, 2021. Therefore, any the hearings and proceedings that were scheduled within these dates will be rescheduled.
The Director of the Judiciary Council shall issue the resolution corresponding to the vacation system for the administrative servants of the Judiciary, in coordination with its other autonomous and auxiliary bodies.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Regulations for public-private partnerships
Other competences of the Committee: to approve projects proposed by a delegating entity; to establish the projects that can be delegated to a private manager for the use of the existing infrastructure; to establish institutional coordination mechanisms.
Regime of delegated management contracts and PPP projects
Self-financed projects: those whose income comes from the price paid by the final users; and Projects with public financing, those that require the participation of public investment. The projects will distribute the risks between the public and private sectors; preferably they will be integral, trying to make the private manager in charge of the execution of the project. The results of the projects will be evaluated through specific indicators.
Public projects of private initiative: By public invitation or by their own initiative, private companies may propose to the Administration the execution by delegated project management. The delegating entities will determine the public interest of the project within a maximum term of six months. Once the private initiative project has been incorporated into the PPP Project Program, the private proponent will have a term of six months to prepare the feasibility study. The private proponent will intervene on equal terms with the other interested parties, with the only exception of a bonus of up to ten percentage points in the evaluation of its offer. He will not have the right to match or improve the offer of the best qualified bidder.
Participants in a PPP project: the delegating entities will be the public administrations that own the competence that will be delegated, public companies are not considered delegating entities; the private manager may be a corporation constituted according to Ecuadorian legislation, with a specific purpose to attend the public project. The private manager may adopt another authorized figure in the legal system according to the specifications of the application.
Economic-financial terms: the private manager, as consideration for the activities assumed, may receive contributions from the public budget, payments made by the final users, or a combination of both. The income of the PPP project will be used to cover the investment and operating costs and expenses of the PPP project and the remuneration of the private manager. When the private manager does not have a direct relationship with the users or beneficiaries of the PPP project, the public administrations may constitute a trust business to guarantee the respective payments. In its relationship with third parties that finance the PPP project, the private manager will have the necessary autonomy and sufficiency to provide the guarantees required on the estate and rights of the delegated management contract that are their exclusive property, without the need for prior authorization of the entity, except in cases where their acts or contracts may imply that the third party is able to suspend public service or affect service levels.
PPP project cycle and administrative procedure
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Regulatory reform to the regulation for the application of the organic law for the regulation and control of market power
Through this Reform to the RALORCPM, improvements and corrections are introduced that were necessary for the proper application of the Organic Law of Regulation and Control of Market Power (the “LORCPM”). The most relevant changes refer to the following:
– The restoration of the regulatory authority of the Superintendency of Market Power Control (the “SCPM”) to issue regulations of general application, authority which had been eliminated in 2016, limiting it to the issuance of regulations exclusively of an administrative and internal control field. The Reform to the RALORCPM includes an obligation of the SCPM to issue technical regulations -of general application- to regulate:
- The calculation and determination of fines for infractions
- Criteria on the definition of economic group and business relationships
- The conditions for the exemption from the prohibition of agreements between competitors, when they contribute to improve production or marketing and distribution of goods and services, or to promote technical or economic progress.
– Replacement of the analysis process prior to the authorization of merger operations subject to mandatory notification by a process in two phases:
1. In those cases which the SCPM determines that the operation is harmless, based on the information provided, it will issue its authorization within 25 days in Phase 1.
2. In those cases where further analysis or information is required from the parties or other economic operators to determine the possible implications of an economic concentration operation, or where concerns are raised from a competition point of view, the SCPM will resolve on the authorization in Phase 2, observing the terms established in the LORCPM; that is, within a maximum period of 60 days, the course of which may be suspended in the investigation stage to collect information for up to 45 days, or extended for up to 60 days by motivated reasons.
– Definition of restrictive competition agreements and conducts by object: The provision was improved to clearly determine which of the agreements and restrictive practices determined in article 11 of the LORCPM constitute restrictive practices by object – those that imply serious restrictions on competition, even in the event that they have not achieved the desired effect – and its exclusion from the application of the sanctions exemption regime and the de minimis rule provided for in the LORCPM.
The other reforms constitute improvements that allow a more adequate and clear application / interpretation of the law, in relation to:
- The publication of sanctioning resolutions by the SCPM: Must be published on the SCPM website as well as the publication of an extract in the press, by the offender, once they are definitive.
- The expansion of criteria to determine (i) economic groups and (ii) relationships between economic operators
- Elimination of the expiration of preventive measures issued prior to the initiation of a formal investigation
- Application of exemptions to the prohibition of agreements between competitors, when they contribute to improve the production or marketing and distribution of goods and services, or to promote technical or economic progress.
- Definition of the moment in which the conclusion of the agreement that results in an economic concentration operation originates.
- Improvement of the wording in relation to the procedure of investigations initiated ex officio and at the request of a public administration entity.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Conditions for applying double tax treaties
Generally, in order to apply automatically the benefits established in double tax treaties it is necessary to: (i) have the tax residence certificate of the beneficiary of the payment issued by the competent authority of the country of residence and properly apostilled; and, (ii) to comply with one of the following conditions:
2. Payment of costs or expenses that, at the time of the withholding, are considered non-deductible for calculating the withholding agent’s income tax;
3. The contract which the payment is made is duly qualified; or
However, the withholding agent must obtain the tax residence certificate until March 11, 2022. Otherwise, the withholding agent must file a new tax return and pay the applicable tax plus interests.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
New employment agreement modalities
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Conditions for filing customs import declarations
On November 4, 2020 the National Court of Justice issued a ruling within the judicial process 17751-2020-00001 by which it declared that the Regulation SENAE-SENAE-2019-0049-RE (Regulation) issued on June 26, 2019 by the General Director of the Customs Authority was void.
The Regulation established that importers were not able to file customs import declarations if they had any unpaid obligations with the Tax or Customs Authorities. The National Court of Justice resolved that this condition could not be established by a regulation, since it exceeds the legal power of the general director of the Customs Authority.
Once the Regulation has been declared void, importers may file customs import declarations even if they have outstanding obligations with the Tax or Customs Authorities.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Reform of the codification of regulations issued by SERCOP
By Regulation No. RE-SERCOP-2020-0111 of September 23, 2020, the Regulation No. RE- SERCOP-2016-0000072 was amended (hereinafter, the “Regulation”), replacing Chapter II of Title VIII, relative to the “ACQUISITION OF DRUGS OR STRATEGIC GOODS IN HEALTH THROUGH A SPECIAL REGIME”. The main aspects of this reform are the following:
1. The Corporate Reverse Auction procedure is regulated for the selection of suppliers of drugs or strategic health goods (hereinafter and collectively, the “Products”) for the acquisition of the Products.
2. The Corporate Tender procedure is regulated for the selection of service providers for the storage, distribution and delivery or dispensing of drugs or strategic health goods (hereinafter, the “Services”) for contracting the Services.
3. It is established that the suppliers that participate in corporate purchase procedures must declare that they have no connection with other participants.
4. The attributions of the Inter-Institutional Committee are regulated, mainly in the preparatory and contractual execution stage of the procedures for the acquisition of the Products and the contracting of the Services. This Committee is different from the Technical Commission, which will act in the pre-contractual stage.
5. As a result of the Corporate Reverse Auction and Corporate Tender procedures, the respective corporate framework agreements will be signed and the Products and Services will be included in the virtual directory of SERCOP´s Portal of PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (hereinafter, the “Directory”), for their acquisition or contracting, respectively, through purchase orders.
6. It is established that the termination of a corporate framework agreement will not necessarily generate the sanction of a non-compliant contractor.
7. The obligations of the suppliers of the Products or Services are regulated, without prejudice to those established in the specifications of the selection procedure, the corporate framework agreement and the purchase orders. In the case of Service providers, the following obligations stand out:
7.1. The provision of a “continuity of service guarantee” that ensures the Services’ provision, even in the event of early and unilateral termination of the respective corporate framework agreement.
7.2. The implementation of a technological solution to monitor the Products’ route in real-time.
7.3. The implementation of a technological solution for the registration, administration, and control of stock and inventories in collection centers, warehouses, pharmacies, medicine cabinets, and other units or areas necessary to comply with the Services.
7.4. The creation of tickets for Products not delivered in health establishments for causes attributable to the supplier. Through the tickets, the patient will be able to withdraw the Products in the private pharmacies network associated with the supplier at a national level or with those subject to a previously signed agreement.
8. It is mandatory for the contracting entities that make up the Integrated Public Health Network (“IPHN”) to acquire the Products and contract the Services through the Directory. Only when the Product does not appear in the Directory, these entities may avail themselves of other contracting procedures.
9. It is established that the contracting entities of the IPHN will centralize the acquisition of the Products. Each IPHN health subsystem must define the entity or administrative body (contracting entity) that will be responsible for the centralized generation of purchase orders, in accordance with its planning.
10. It is the obligation of the contracting entities of the IPHN to contract the Services before the acquisition of the Products, except in cases of contracts related to small amount and emergencies, or when the Products are received by donation.
11. Contracting entities that do not belong to the IPHN will not be obliged to verify and acquire the Product or contract the Services through the Directory. These entities may directly use other procedures provided by law.
12. The public contracting entities that are not part of the IPHN will preferably use the Institutional Reverse Auction procedure for the selection of suppliers and acquisition of the Products. The contracting entities that are part of the IPHN may use this procedure as long as the amount exceeds the one established for a small amount procedure, and the Products are not available in the Directory for direct purchases.
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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Regulation of simplified stocks corportations (S.A.S.)
By Resolution No. SCVS-INC-DNCDN-2020-0015 issued on September 14, 2020, and published in the Special Edition Number 1071 of the Official Registry of September 25, 2020, the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance issued the Regulation of the Simplified Stock Corporations (S.A.S.)
The main aspects of the Regulations include
1. The determination of the legal existence of a S.A.S. starts with its registration in the Registry of Companies of the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance.
2. The shareholders of a S. A. S. will only be responsible for the amount of their respective shares, unless they expressly waive it in writing.
3. The impossibility of negotiating it´s own shares in the stock market. Notwithstanding being able to negotiate shares issued by other mercantile societies or other negotiable securities, according to the law of the matter.
4. The incorporation of the Simplified Stock Corporations will be done through private documents unless the assets contributed require a public deed. In this case, the public deed must be registered in the corresponding Registry Office.
5. The process of electronic incorporation of the S.A.S. is hereby established, and the SCVS is required to keep its online system open so that all users can access consultations, certifications, and access all the relevant corporate information of the S.A.S.
6. Foreign companies that are founders and shareholders of a S. A. S. must present a certificate of incorporation and legal existence issued by the authority of the corresponding country. The capital of the foreign company must be represented in shares, participations or nominative papers.
7. The document of incorporation of the S.A.S. will have a presumption of stability, enforceability, and execution. Consequently, it may not be revoked, cancelled or annulled, unless expressly provided by competent Judge.
8. It shall establish the rules of the capital and shares of the S.A.S., their organization, statutory reforms, reorganization, dissolution, liquidation, reinstatement and cancellation.
The Regulations of the Simplified Stock Corporations also govern, among other things, the procedure for the resolution of corporate conflicts, causes of voluntary removal of shareholders, payment of dividends, presentation of corporate/financial documentation, management reports, and balance sheets, removal of shareholders, digital corporate books, and the liability of the shareholder before the company for the abuse of his voting rights, when seeking his own benefit or that of a third party.
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