The President Guillermo Lasso Mendoza issued on May 24, 2021 Executive Decree No. 4 regarding the Standards of Governmental Ethical Behavior.
This Executive Decree establishes the standards to which the public servants of the Executive Branch to achieve a transparent and efficient public administration at the service of the citizens.
Below the main standards of the Executive Decree No. 4:
Nepotism: Relatives of the president, vice president, ministers and vice ministers of State, secretaries and undersecretaries of State, managers, and directors of public companies, up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity or those with whom there is a relationship by common-law relationships, cannot be hired or appointed within the same administrative entities. The relatives of the aforementioned officials, within the stated degrees, cannot contract directly nor indirectly with public entities of the Executive Branch.
The use of public assets and resources shall be exclusively for the performance of specific duties
Conflicts of interest shall be declared, and the public servant is prevented form intervening in matters in which such conflicts exist.
Transparency, which includes:
– The promotion of good corporate practices.
– The entities that are part of the Executive Branch will promote the contracting of national and foreign companies that have adopted codes of good corporate practices, including commitments against corruption, environmental protection, promotion of human rights, labor safety and non-discrimination.
– Companies that have their corporate headquarters in countries where executives of such companies are not sanctioned for corrupt practices incurred abroad will not be contracted. It is prohibited to contract with individuals or legal entities that have outstanding assessments from the Comptroller General’s Office.
– It is prohibited to receive gifts, presents, or any other type of benefit, gift or reward, invitations, payments in restaurants, from national or foreign executives or private persons who do or intend to do business or have any other type of commercial relationship with the State.
– When a public official attends an event due to his/her functions, and the protocol so dictates he/she may give and receive gifts that its value does not exceed USD$200.
Equal opportunity and fair treatment by Executive Branch officials who will not discriminate any person based on race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, nationality, age, political affiliation, religion or sexual orientation. Public servants shall be kind, friendly and polite and shall not get involved in situations, activities or interests incompatible with their functions, refraining from any conduct that may affect their independence of judgement.
The Secretary of State for Public Administration and Cabinet will oversee supervision and compliance.