Three regulations were issued by the Antitrust Authority (“SCPM”) and published in the Supplement of Official Gazette No. 374.
1. Reform of the Guidelines for Administrative Procedures:
(i) Regulates the process of meetings that precede the mandatory filing for antitrust clearance of economic concentration operations, determining that the meetings will be recorded and do not exempt the applicant from submitting the notification within 8 calendar days after the conclusion of the agreement leading to the economic concentration operation.
(ii) It establishes specific times for analysis by the National Intendancy for Control of Economic Concentrations (in the investigation stage) and in the Resolution Board (in the resolution stage), both in Phase 1 (resolution within 25 business days following the declaration of completeness of the filing) or Phase 2 processes (resolution within 60 business days following the declaration of completeness of the filing).
(iii) Determines the criteria to be considered by the National Intendancy for Control of Economic Concentrations to evaluate the innocuousness of an economic concentration operation and based on this, the determination of a resolution in Phase 1 or Phase 2.
(iv) Regulates information requests and the sanctioning procedure applicable for infractions of the Organic Law for Regulation and Control of Market Power that do not constitute anticompetitive practices (for example: breach of duty to collaborate, non-delivery of information required in the times and form determined by the Antitrust Authority, or failure to comply with corrective measures).
(v) Modifies the disposition and evaluation of corrective measures regime. The most relevant change being that the implementation of corrective measures is not mandatory every time a sanction is imposed, but that these measures will be imposed only when they are deemed necessary to restore the market.
2. Guidelines for the identification and review of regulatory barriers
Regulates the procedure to be applied by the National Competition Advocacy Office for the identification and review of regulations that impose illegitimate or disproportionate restrictions/entry barriers. This procedure, which can only be initiated by the SCPM´s own decision, has a maximum duration of 90 days from the date when the start of the analysis is resolved.
The legal review is composed of two stages: (i) a legality analysis by which the authority´s competence to issue the regulation under review, and (ii) a review of the consistency of said regulation with the existing regulation considering the hierarchy of norms.
If the reviewed regulation passes the legal analysis, the reasonableness and proportionality of the restriction it imposes will be analyzed in the second stage, weighed against the protected legal asset: the public interest. For this analysis, its suitability, necessity, and proportionality in the strict sense must be determined.
If it is determined after these analyses that the reviewed regulation is illegal or that it imposes an unreasonable barrier to entry, the Antitrust Authority will propose to the issuing Authority its elimination or modifications aimed to correct the undesirable effects.
3. Comprehensive modification of the guidelines for the filing fee for review of economic concentration operations
Prior to this modification, the fee to be paid for the analysis of economic concentration operations was determined based on the financial statements of the immediately preceding fiscal year of the entity over which the change of control that gives rise to the economic concentration operation falls. It corresponded to the highest resulting value of the following alternatives:
- 0.25% of income tax
- 0.005% of total revenue
- 0.01% of the asset value
- 0.05% of equity
With the modification (i) the calculation method is simplified with the determination of a base fee that will be defined on a yearly basis by the SCPM, based on the real costs of the analysis of economic concentration operations and (ii) solves the inconvenience for operations submitted from January to April of each year, period in which there are no audited financial statements, by expanding the possibility of calculating the fee based on the financial statements of the second immediately preceding year.
The simplification of the calculation occurs as follows:
(i) Considers a scale for applying the base fee, which is applied only based on the income of the entity that bears the change of control that gives rise to the economic concentration operation:
(ii) Determines that the rate applicable to the analysis of economic concentration operations notified for information purposes (not mandatory filing) is half the base fee, regardless of the value of the total revenue.
(iii) Allows payment via wire transfer.
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