Industria Legal – The Cannabis and Hemp Industry Generates Expectations in Ecuador


DATE: 02-07-2021


Felipe Samaniego

December 2019 was a month of legal changes in Ecuador. First, the Organic Law Reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code was published. Still, it was not until June 2020 that it came into force, reforming the Organic Law for the Comprehensive Prevention of the Socioeconomic Phenomenon of Drugs and the Regulation and Control of the Use of Listed Substances Subject to Control. The magazine Industria Legal dedicates a page to the information offered about this matter by our expert partner in Regulatory Law, Felipe Samaniego since this reform gave way to Ecuador’s new cannabis and hemp industry.

The exclusion of substances subject to control to cannabis and hemp with less than 1% THC in dry weight and a term of 120 days for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to issue the corresponding regulation are among the new reforms.

Not only that, but also, through this agreement, new guidelines are established applicable to the regime of seven licenses, different for each activity allowed in the non-psychoactive cannabis industry, hemp and hemp for industrial use, “from the import and production of seeds to the production and export of derivatives, biomass and/or flowers,” according to Samaniego.

Our expert ends his article stating that “the rapid development of the regulatory framework that regulates the activities of agroindustrial activities, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, caused that both the Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Regulation, Control, and Sanitary Surveillance (ARCSA) as well as the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary (AGROCALIDAD) issue the normative bodies that regulate finished products destined for human and veterinary use and consumption that have derivatives of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp in their composition ”.

If you want to see the article, click here

PharmaBoardroom – Emerging cannabis and hemp industry in Ecuador

PharmaBoardroom - Emerging cannabis and hemp industry in Ecuador - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 28-06-2021


Felipe Samaniego

With the Criminal Law Reform enacted a year ago, the cannabis and industrial hemp industry has become an emerging industry in Ecuador. Our partner Felipe Samaniego writes about it for Pharma Boardroom.

Samaniego begins the article by writing about what’s new since the reforms now include decriminalizing the possession of drugs that contain cannabis or derivatives as an active ingredient for therapeutic, palliative, medicinal use, or alternative medicine.

The Law for Drug Use, Prevention, and Control is also modified with the change, which now excludes the control of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp.

On October 19, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Ministerial Agreement No. 109-2020, which regulates the Import, Sowing, Cultivation, Harvest, Post-harvest, Storage, Transportation, Processing, Marketing, and Export of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp and hemp for industrial use.

Samaniego adds that “this regulation establishes the requirements that must be met to obtain the seven types of licenses, which authorize the following activities only concerning cannabis or hemp with a THC concentration of less than 1%:

  1. License for Import and Marketing of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Seeds or Cuttings, or Hemp Seeds for Industrial Use.
  2. License for the Import and Commercialization of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Seeds, or Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Cuttings or Hemp Seeds for Industrial Use.
  3. License for the cultivation of cannabis or non-psychoactive hemp.
  4. License to grow hemp for industrial use.
  5. License for the processing of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp and production of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp derivatives.
  6. License for Banks and Research of Plant Improvement and/or Germplasm.
  7. License for the Acquisition of Non-Psychoactive Cannabis or Hemp Derivatives and/or Biomass or Flowers, or Hemp Biomass for Industrial Use for Export.

As soon as this came into effect, the Ministry of Health and the Agency for Health Regulation, Control, and Surveillance had to develop regulations applicable to finished products. This happened because the Criminal Law “also opened the door to producing and importing finished products,” according to our partner.

Samaniego also adds that at the end of February of this year 2020, “the Health Regulation, Control, and Surveillance Agency issued a resolution with the ‘Sanitary Technical Regulations for the regulation and control of products for human use and consumption that contain cannabis non-psychoactive or hemp, or its derivatives.” This resolution makes it possible to legally produce, import, and commercialize the following finished products with the THC concentration specified in each category:

  • Less than 1% THC: general, natural pharmaceutical products processed for medicinal use and homeopathic. Also cosmetic products and medical devices; hygienic products for industrial use; pesticides for domestic use, for public health or for industrial use; household hygiene products and absorbents for personal hygiene.
  • Less than 0.3% THC: processed foods and food supplements.

On February 26, Ministerial Agreement No. 148-2021 was also issued after a meeting of experts developed regulations for the prescription, provision, and therapeutic use of medicinal cannabis and pharmaceutical products containing cannabinoids.

Samaniego concludes by pointing out that “the regulatory framework for cannabis / hemp has moved relatively quickly in Ecuador and has opened the eyes of many local and international investors. The authorities are aware of what this industry can generate for the country regarding research and investment. Ecuador is the only country in the region that has shown such openness; the players will be able to develop a myriad of producs as long as they abide by all the rules. As a result, this area is expected to become a research and development group for cannabis and hemp products to be sold worldwide.”

If you want to see the article, click here

Implementation of boards of directors of the port authorities of Guayaquil, Manta, Puerto Bolívar and Esmeraldas

Implementation of boards of directors of the port authorities of Guayaquil, Manta, Puerto Bolívar and Esmeraldas - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador
By Executive Decree 78 of June 15, 2021, the President of the Republic implemented the boards of directors of the Port Authorities of Guayaquil, Manta, Puerto Bolivar and Esmeraldas.

The boards will be constituted as follows:

1. Members of the board of directors:

  1. A member appointed by the President of the Republic, who shall preside over the board of directors
  2. A member appointed by the General Commander of the Navy of Ecuador, who will replace the president of the board of directors in case of absence.
  3. A member appointed by the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries.
  4. A member appointed by the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works; and
  5. A member appointed by the Customs Administration.

The Subsecretary of Ports and Maritime and River Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works will act as secretary of the boards of directors. The members of the board of directors are freely appointed and removable officials.

The President of the Republic is responsible for appointing the managers of the Port Authorities of Guayaquil, Manta, Puerto Bolivar and Esmeraldas.

2. Functions of the board of directors (Article 8 of the National Port Administrative Regime Law):

  1. Submit an annual report to the Direction of the Merchant Marine and Littoral -currently Subsecretary of Ports and Maritime and Fluvial Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works- on the activities carried out during the previous fiscal year.
  2. To appoint the Departmental Chiefs from among the candidates suggested by the Manager.
  3. To know and approve the Financial Statements, balance sheets, and other reports of the Entity.
  4. Approve the Port Services Regulations, organization manuals, personnel organization manuals and other pertinent regulations, based on the preliminary drafts submitted by the Manager; and formulate the regulations of uniform application to all the Port Entities, to be submitted for consideration of the Direction of the Merchant Marine and Littoral -currently the Subsecretary of Ports and Maritime and Fluvial Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works.
  5. To authorize the Manager to sign contracts, investments, acquisitions, studies and other acts necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Entity, the amount of which requires the Bidding Contest, subject to the Bidding Law -current public contracting regulations- and the approved Budget.
  6. To resolve in second instance the claims of the users, in all matters related to port services.
  7. The others determined in the General Ports Law and in the respective statutes.

3. Liability of the members of the board of directors (Article 11 of the National Port Administrative Regime Law):

They are civilly and criminally responsible, personally and jointly and severally, for all acts or resolutions that are detrimental to the interests of the Entity and that have been taken with their vote. They are especially liable for decisions that contravene Port policy and resolutions issued by higher authorities. The manager and officers of the Entity shall also be liable for their participation in such acts.

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DISCLAIMER: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.


New methodology for the calculation of fines for infractions to the Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Market Power

New methodology for the calculation of fines for infractions to the Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Market Power - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador
The Resolution No. SCPM-DS-2021-19 issued by the Superintendency of Market Power Control (“SCPM”) containing the new methodology for the calculation of fines for committing infractions to the Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Market Power (the “LORCPM” and the “Fines Calculation Resolution”, as appropriate) was published in the Fourth Supplement to the Official Gazette No. 465, on June 3, 2021.

Along with other modifications introduced in the Regulation for the Application of the Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Market Power (“RALORCPM”) last December, the power to determine fines was brought back to the SCPM. Up until this reform, the determination of fines was regulated by Resolution No. 012, issued by the Market Power Regulation and Control Board (“Resolution 012”).

Although this new calculation model is based on the same principles as Resolution 012, it provides greater clarity in the application and, therefore, greater predictability – and the possibility of verification – of the fines that may be imposed in the event of an infringement of the LORCPM. The calculation formulas incorporated in the Fines Calculation Resolution continue to have a certain level of complexity, but each term is clearly defined, which will allow the fined operator to verify it.

The Fines Calculation Resolution seeks to transmit a dissuasive effect on economic operators through the application of exponential fines, so that those imposed for the most serious anti-competitive acts are proportional and markedly higher to those applicable to the less serious infractions.

The aforementioned resolution establishes the following criteria for the calculation:

  1. Turnover in the relevant market
  2. Degree of participation in the relevant market
  3. Temporality
  4. Size of the relevant market
  5. Market concentration and state of competition
  6. Geographical determination segmented by province or at the national level.
  7. Effect of the infringement on the rights and legitimate interests of consumers and users or on other operators
  8. Benefits obtained as a result of the infringement.
  9. Proportion
  10. Weighing
  11. Damage to the competition
  12. Subsidiarity
  13. Aggravating and mitigating circumstances that concur in relation to each of the investigated/responsible parties.

And establishes as calibration parameters the severity rating as set forth by the LORPCM (mild, serious, or very serious) as well as specific rules for agreements and restrictive practices by object and for collusion (in bids, auctions, contests, and the like).

Among the novel parameters of the methodology, we highlight the inclusion of a differentiated weighting criterion for each of the provinces affected by the illegal conduct.

Additionally, the Fines Calculation Resolution introduces the regulation of fines applicable to the following circumstances/behaviors, which are determined in article 79 of the LORCPM:

  • Sanctions to legal representatives or members of the governing bodies of the infringing economic operator.
  • Cases of noncompliance with information requests by the Authority, delivery of incomplete information and delivery of incorrect information.
  • Calculation of coercive fines, depending on the delay – in days – to comply with the Authority´s decision.
  • Calculation of fines for obstruction of inspections.
  • Fines for failure to comply with a resolution.

The Fines Calculation Resolution is applicable in sanctioning procedures that begin after its publication in the Official Gazette (June 3, 2021). The determination of fines regarding sanctioning procedures that are in the investigation or sanction stage will be governed by the norm in force at the time of their initiation.

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LexLatin – Change of Government in Ecuador: investment opportunities

LexLatin - Change of Government in Ecuador: investment opportunities - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador


DATE: 23-06-2021


Andrea Moya

MEDIA: LexLatin

Ecuador has gone through the first month of Guillermo Lasso’s presidency and, as our partner specialist in Tax Law, Andrea Moya, says for LexLatin, “the basis of his administration have been established”. If we consider the benefits that were created during the last two governments with the proposals of the new president, and the return to ICSID, the outlook is very interesting for foreign investors.

CorralRosales is going through a moment in which a large number of foreign companies are requesting advice on investments in Ecuador and on Mergers and Acquisitions. It is important to know the incentives available if you want to invest in Ecuador and the different mechanisms to protect such investment.

Andrea points out that the most important tax benefits are the exemption from income tax (25%), which can be for 8 years or even 12 years, depending on the location of the investment, and the exemption from outflow tax on the import of commodities and capital goods necessary for the project.

It is also essential to know the scope of the investment contracts that may be entered into with the Ecuadorian government. These instruments allow to protect the investment, agree arbitration, and maintain immovable the applicable benefits, despite any subsequent legal reform.

In order to sign this contract, there is a fundamental requirement: the investment must be at least US$1 million and US$250,000 of this amount must be executed in the first year.

However, the most important thing to attract investments to Ecuador is to undertake a comprehensive reform to the tax and labor regimes.

If you want to see the article, click here

Revista Gestión – Legal mayhem

revista-gestion-legal-mayhem - Lawyers Ecuador - CorralRosales


DATE: 22-06-2021


Francisco Rosales

“A great number of laws does not make a nation better. On the contrary, the proliferation of laws is a symptom of disorder and underdevelopment. There is a good need for a legislative moratorium so that the National Assembly can fix the legal chaos by codifying the fundamental laws for social coexistence, among which, without a doubt, are the tax laws”.

That’s how our partner Francisco Rosales begins his article for Gestión Magazine. He offers his opinion on the lack of a legal framework in Ecuador to provide confidence to the investor. From his point of view, “A fundamental element for the development of a country is its legal framework; it must be clear, orderly, stable and consistent. And, along with it, an enlightened, timely, autonomous and trustworthy administration of justice”. Unfortunately, Ecuador does not have it.

Tax laws become essential within the legal framework. Rosales adds that “in the last 14 years, between 2007 and 2021, 28 tax reforms have been enacted in Ecuador containing a plethora of laws and changes that have created monumental chaos complicating the already serious economic situation we are experiencing.”

Ecuador is currently in need of sustained economic growth of at least 5% per year for the next 20 years, but this projection does not seem to be happening today.

The Legislative Chaos

In the words of Rosales, on top of the norm that applies to dividends paid by companies domiciled in the country, “we have to add the regulations of the Internal Tax Regime Law and the hundreds of general resolutions issued by the Internal Revenues Service.

Legislative Failure

The Legislature Assembly of the country has failed to fulfill one of its fundamental functions, that is: “Mandatorily Issue, codify, reform and interpret laws.” “In turn, Article 31 of the Organic Law of the Legislative Function carries out its obligation to codify the laws by ruling that the Plenary of the Assembly may request that the Legislative Technical Unit carries out the obligation to codify the laws by ruling that the Plenary of the Assembly may request that the Legislative Technical Unit prepares the codification of certain laws, send it to the respective permanent commission, and that, with its report, the plenary, in a single debate, approve the codification and that the president of the plenary orders its publication in the Official Registry”, concludes Rosales.

If you want to see the article, click here

Amendments to regulations for traceability of medicines and medical devices

Amendments to regulations for traceability of medicines and medical devices - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador
Regulation ARCSA-DE-010-2021-LDSS issued on May 19, 2021, amended Regulation ARCSA-DE-030-2020-MAFG, published in the Official Gazette of November 26, 2020, through which the “Substitute Technical Sanitary Regulation establishes the guidelines for the Control of Traceability of Medicines, Biological Products and Medical Devices” was issued. The main aspects of this reform, which entered into force on the date of its subscription, are the following:

1.It is clarified that the inclusion of the unique traceability code in the packaging of medicines, biological products, and medical devices does not require a modification to their marketing authorization unless changes must be made to the packaging to include said code.

2. The maximum term to implement the traceability of medicines, biological products, and medical devices (hereinafter, the “Products”) is modified, depending on the phase to which they correspond. The national health authority shall determine the Products list for each phase.

3. The members of the National Traceability System (hereinafter, “SNT”) must submit to the National Agency for Sanitary Regulation, Control and Surveillance (hereinafter, “ARCSA”) a gradual plan for the implementation of the traceability of their Products (hereinafter, “Gradual Plan”), according to the regulations issued[1] by ARCSA for this purpose.

4. Until ARCSA has a computer system to control the traceability of the Products, the members of the SNT must record the logistical movements of their Products in the system they have for that purpose.

5. The ARCSA computer system will have a database where all the records generated by the systems of each SNT member will be stored. The characteristics of the ARCSA system shall be indicated in the regulations issued by the said authority for this purpose.

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The acquisition of medicines through small amount

The acquisition of medicines through small amount - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador

The small amount is a public procurement procedure regulated in the Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System (hereinafter, the “LOSNCP”), the Regulation to the LOSCNP (hereinafter, the “Regulation”), and the Codification and Updating of Resolutions issued by the National Public Procurement Service (hereinafter, the “Codification”).

Public entities[1] can make direct contracts with suppliers through the small amount as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • The object of the contract must be: (i) the acquisition of standardized goods or services[2], which do not appear in the electronic catalog[3]; (ii) the acquisition of non-standard goods or services; or (iii) the contracting of works, solely and exclusively for the repair, remodeling, adaptation, maintenance or improvement of an existing construction or infrastructure. In no case can consulting services be hired[4].
  • In the year, the amount of the contract must not exceed the value that results from multiplying the coefficient 0.0000002 by the Initial State Budget for the corresponding fiscal year. In 2021, this value is $ 6,416.07.

Article 332 of the Codification provides that, during the year, the contracting entities may consolidate their needs and carry out a single contract for a small amount or carry out several such amounts for the same good or service, but the amount of the consolidated contract or the total amount of individual contracts may not exceed the maximum value indicated. 

These contracts may or may not be part of the annual planning that public entities are obliged to carry out[5]. But, in any case, the “small amount” tool must be used within the COMPRAS PÚBLICAS Portal[6] ( to publish: the needs of goods, works or services, the information of the public servant responsible for the hiring, the email in which they will receive the offers of the interested suppliers, and the maximum delivery time of said offers.

To participate in a contract for a small amount, suppliers do not need to be registered in the RUP[7]. Suppliers will be selected under the following criteria[8]:

  1. In standardized goods and services, the supplier that offers the lowest price must be chosen.
  1. In non-standard works or goods and services, the supplier that offers the best technical, financial, and legal conditions must be chosen, without the lowest price being the only selection parameter.

Once the contracting has been carried out, the contracting entities must publish its relevant information on the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal. This information and that which, at any time, is required by[9] the National Public Procurement Service (hereinafter, “SERCOP”), will serve for this body to identify if there are non-compliance with the requirements applicable to this figure or if it was used to circumvent[10] other hiring procedures. If there are non-compliances, SERCOP will inform the competent control bodies so that they can initiate the corresponding actions.  

There are special or exceptional cases[11]in relation to this type of contracting for a small amount, such as the acquisition of medicines.

The LOSCNP does not expressly foresee the acquisition of medicines for a small amount, however this is possible under numeral 2 of article 54.2. of the Law[12], since medicines can be classified as standard goods. 

The Regulation develops this figure as follows:

“Art. 85.4.- Application of small amounts.- In duly justified and exceptional cases, contracts for the acquisition of medicines and strategic goods, the amount of which is equal to or less than multiplying the coefficient 0.0000002 of the Initial State Budget, will be carried out for a very small amount , in accordance with the provisions issued by the SERCOP for this purpose, and provided that the good is not available in the virtual repertoire for direct purchases enabled in the PUBLIC SHOPPING Portal.

The acquisition of medicines by this procedure will be within the current National Basic Medications Table. “[13] (highlighted out of text)

Although the Regulation uses the name “virtual repertoire” and not “electronic catalog” as happens in small amounts for other standardized goods, the fundamental requirement is the same: the good must not be available on the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal for direct purchases. Additionally, the Regulation clarifies that only the medicines that appear in the current National Basic Medicines Table may be purchased.

Therefore, the small amount of medicines comes when the good: (i) is not available in the virtual repertoire enabled in the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal (hereinafter, the “Directory”); (ii) is included in the current National Basic Medicine Chart; and (iii) the amount of the contract does not exceed the established limit.   

Reforms[14] to the Regulation and Codification provide that the contracting entities of the Integrated Public Health Network[15] (hereinafter, “RPIS”) have the obligation to contract storage and distribution and delivery or dispensing services of medicines, prior to their acquisition (hereinafter, the “Services”).  

So far, the Services have not been contracted by the RPIS. However, when this happens and the SERCOP communicates it[16] on the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal,  Chapter II of Section III of Chapter II of Title VIII of the Codification will come into force. It contemplates specific regulations that all public entities must comply with to acquire medicines for a small amount. Among the new provisions, the following stand out: 

  1. The circumstances are established for the small amount to proceed, according to the contracting entity: 
  1. For RPIS entities, it proceeds when the medicines are not available in the Directory. In this case, the contracting of the Services is not mandatory, so the cost of the delivery-receipt of the medicines must be included in the acquisition.
  • For other public entities, it is appropriate if the medicine has not been contemplated in the annual planning or, if it has been included, it does not constitute a constant and recurring requirement during the year, that can be consolidated in a contract whose amount exceeds the maximum allowed.
  1. The contracting entities, through electronic means, may invite various suppliers, whether natural or legal persons, national or foreign, as well as their associations or consortiums. In the invitation, the entities must include the technical specifications of the medicine and the delivery conditions.
  1. The entities must have at least three offers, prior to selecting the supplier. If this is not possible, the entity must justify that it carried out all the actions and requirements necessary for this purpose.
  1. Invited providers, who do not necessarily have to be registered in the RUP, must necessarily present the medicine’s marketing authorization.

Until these regulations come into force, the provisions developed at the beginning of this article must be applied. Notwithstanding this, the SERCOP has established that, during this transition period, the contracting entities of the RPIS may carry out various small amounts of medicines in the year and their total amount may exceed the maximum value, provided that“… due to external factors, outside of the contracting entity duly justified, the contracting cannot be consolidated to use a contracting procedure under a common or special regime, other than the Small Amount. “[17]

Additionally, as of August 10, 2021, according to the fifth[18]  and tenth[19] reformed provisions of the Organic Law Reform of the Organic Criminal Code on Anti-Corruption, all public entities must obtain a prior report of relevance and favorability from the State Comptroller General to celebrate the small amount and any other contract under the LOSCNP.  

In conclusion, the acquisition of medicines for a small amount is exceptional and is subject to specific requirements. However, the dispersion of the applicable norms and their constant reforms generate confusion and an inappropriate use of this figure. For this reason, suppliers must be duly informed to avoid risks in the conclusion or execution of contracts, as well as in subsequent controls by the competent bodies.

[1] When speaking of “public entities”, reference will be made to those provided for in article 1 of the LOSCNP.

[2] According to Article 42 of the Regulation, standardized goods and services are “… those whose characteristics or technical specifications… are homogeneous and comparable under equal conditions”.

[3] In accordance with numeral 3 of article 6 of the LOSNCP, the electronic catalog is the registry of standardized goods and services published on the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal for direct contracting.

[4] Codification and Updating of Resolutions issued by the National Public Procurement Service, Official Registry 245, January 29, 2018, Art. 330, no. 4.

[5] Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System, Official Registry 395, August 4, 2008, Art. 22.

[6] The COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal is the Official Computer System of Public Procurement of the Ecuadorian State, as provided in numeral 25 of article 6 of the LOSCNP.

[7] Numeral 29 of article 6 of the LOSCNP, defines the Unique Registry of Suppliers or RUP as “… the Database of the suppliers of works, goods and services, including consulting services, authorized to participate in the procedures established in this Law . “

[8] Codification and Updating of the Resolutions issued by the National Public Procurement Service, Official Registry 245, January 29, 2018, Art. 336.

[9] Regulation to the Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System, Official Registry 588, May 12, 2009, Art. 60.

[10] Numeral 2 of article 330 of the Codification provides that “Contracts for Small Amounts must not be used as a means of circumventing pre-contractual procedures.”.

[11] For example: leasing of goods, acquisition of fuels in operations of the entity, purchase of air tickets, contracting of travel agencies, acquisition of spare parts or accessories, among others.

[12]Art. 52.1.-Contracts of a small amount.- It may be contracted under this system in any of the following cases: […] 2.-Contracts for the acquisition of goods or provision of standardized services, except consulting, which do not appear in the electronic catalog and whose amount is less than multiplying the coefficient 0.0000002 of the initial budget of the State of the corresponding fiscal year… ”

[13] Regulation to the Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System, Official Registry 588, May 12, 2009, Art. 85.4.

[14] In this regard, Executive Decree No. 1033, published in Official Registry No. 208 of May 21, 2020, Section II of Chapter VII of Title III of the Regulations was amended; Resolution No. RE-SERCOP-2020-0111, published in the Official Registry Special Edition No. 1078 of September 28, 2020; and Resolution No. RE-SERCOP-2021-0114 published in Official Registry No. 432 of April 15, 2021.

[15] “… Made up of the set of public institutions that provide health services and which are known as << health subsystems >>, made up of the MSP, the IESS, the Social Security Institute of the National Police (ISSPOL) , ISSFA and the Complementary Health Network ”. Ecuador Constitutional Court of Ecuador, “Sentence No.: 679-18-JP / 20 and accumulated”, in Judgment No.: 679-18-JP and accumulated, August 5, 2020, 17.

[16] Codification and Updating of the Resolutions issued by the National Public Procurement Service, Official Registry 245, January 29, 2018, Twenty-fifth Transitory Provision.

[17] Codification and Updating of Resolutions issued by the National Public Procurement Service, Official Registry 245, January 29, 2018, Twenty-eighth Transitory Provision, no. 3.

[18] “… In the event of determining the relevance and favorability … the rest of the procedure established for this purpose in the law may be continued on a regular basis …”

[19] “… The Office of the Comptroller General of the State will issue a report of relevance, as a prerequisite for the signing of the public procurement processes determined in the law on the matter, by public sector entities and agencies …”

Mario Fernández García
Asocciate at CorralRosales

Income and VAT withholdings regime applicable to payment aggregators and online markets

Income and VAT withholdings regime applicable to payment aggregators and online markets - CorralRosales - Lawyers Ecuador
Regulation NAC-DGERCGC21-00000026 issued by the Tax Authority and published in the Third Supplement to Official Gazette 461 of May 28, 2021, establishes special rules for income tax and value added tax (VAT) withholdings.

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Effects of the derogation of the Regulations for the Application of the Organic Law of Communication in advertisement production

Effects of the derogation of the Regulations for the Application of the Organic Law of Communication in advertisement production - Lawyers Ecuador - CorralRosales
The President, Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, issued the Executive Decree No. 32 on May 24th, 2021, which ordered the derogation of the Regulations for the Application of the Organic Law of Communication.

The Organic Law of Communication (“LOC”) determines, in article 98, the rules of nationality for the production of advertisement to be disseminated through social communication media (“Rules of Nationality of Production”) which establish that advertisements transmitted through the social communication media:

Art. 98. – Production of National Advertising. – Advertising that is disseminated in Ecuadorian territory through the communication media must be produced in Ecuadorian territory by Ecuadorian natural persons or foreigners residing in Ecuador or produced abroad by Ecuadorian persons residing abroad or foreign legal entities whose ownership of the majority of the shares in said entity is held by Ecuadorian persons and whose payroll for its realization and production is made up of at least 80% of people of Ecuadorian nationality.

This payroll percentage will include the hiring of professional services.

The import of advertising pieces produced outside the country by foreign companies is prohibited, with the exception set forth in the first paragraph regarding foreign legal entities with a majority of the share package held by Ecuadorian persons.

For the purposes of this law, advertising production is understood to be television and film commercials, radio sports, photographs for static advertising, or any other audiovisual piece used for advertising purposes.

The advertising of international campaigns designed to promote respect and the exercise of human rights, peace, solidarity and human development is exempt from what is established in this article.

Social communication media are defined in the LOC as: “… public and private entities and community organizations, as well as the concessionaires of radio and television frequencies, who provide the public service of mass communication that utilize print media o radio services, television and audio and video subscription services, whose contents can be generated or replicated by the media through the internet.”

The Regulation for the Application of the LOC, among other aspects, regulated the application of the Rules of Nationality of Production for advertisement through alternative channels other than social communication media; and clarified on its application for each type of advertising piece in the case of advertisements aimed at promoting tourist destinations or events abroad or those in which the images of famous people or animated fictional characters that are the image of the brands are used. The derogatory provided by Executive Decree 32 has the following relevant implications in terms of advertising:

– Advertisement to be disseminated through alternative media such as (i) billboards or photographs located in public space in commercial premises; (ii) catalogs; (iii) flyers is no longer subject to the Rules of Nationality of Production.

– Importing printed advertising materials such as diaries, notebooks and catalogs is allowed.

– There is no prohibition for advertisement photography to be disseminated by social communication media to be taken by a foreign photographer – that is not an Ecuadorian resident – as long as the Rules of Nationality of Production regarding the property of the producer is complied with and the production team is at least made up of 80% Ecuadorians.

– There are no guidelines that regulate the application of Rules of Nationality of Production in the case of advertising intended to promote touristic destinations or events located outside Ecuador, the use of images of famous people or animated characters that are the international image of a brand (the derogated Regulations for the application of the LOC allowed the use of these videos/images for up to 20% of the duration of the video or the composition of the piece).

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DISCLAIMER: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.