Derechos Intelectuales Vol. 25 – Theoretical approach to the patent and compulsory licensing regime in Ecuador



DATE: 23-12-2020


-Katherine González


Katherine González, CorralRosales’s associate, wrote for the book “Intellectual Rights Volume 25”, published by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). She wrote a complete chapter on the theoretical approach to the regime of patents and compulsory licenses in Ecuador; the chapter has three main sections, each one explained in depth: intellectual property, patents, and compulsory patent licenses.

ASIPI gives González the opportunity to explain the subject of invention patents and compulsory licenses in a direct and straightforward way. Her main objective is to help as many people as possible understand this topic and be able to access, in this way, a more in-depth technical and specific knowledge in this area.

Gonzalez does her analysis using national and international instruments that govern the matter, which allows her to compare them directly, “seeking a comprehensive interpretation.”

Without losing sight of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, which has changed the plans for 2020, our associate wanted to dedicate the last section of her chapter to compulsory licenses on medicines within the said pandemic framework.

In conclusion, González explains that the Intellectual Property area has usually been divided into two main branches: ‘Copyright and “Industrial Property”. Copyright protects literary, artistic or scientific creations, which are original and can be reproduced or disclosed by any form or medium known or to be known. This branch includes neighboring rights, referring to the rights of third parties related to the author, such as interpreters, producers of phonograms, and radio broadcasters. On the other hand, we find ‘Industrial Property’, which includes trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, and patents. “

If you want to read the full chapter of the publication Intellectual Rights Volume 25 (under registration), click here.