
Regulation NAC-DGERCGC 20-00000004 issued by the Internal Revenue Service and published on January 29, 2020 in the Supplement of the Official Registry 131 establishes the procedure for filing the tax return and paying the temporary tax.

The Regulation establishes that the temporary tax that must be paid on an annual basis on the fiscal years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

The taxable base is equal to the income obtained on the fiscal year 2018 -as registered in the income tax return or as established by the Tax Administration within an assessment procedure- less the exempt income and income not subject to income tax. To this amount the taxpayer should add or deduct, as appropriate, the adjustments for deferred taxes registered in the same fiscal year.

The following rates must be applied to the taxable base:

Taxable income from 

Taxable income until

Tax rate
US$1.000.000,00 US$5.000.000,00 0,10%
US$5.000.001,00 US$10.000.000,00 0,15%
US$10.000.001,00 Forward 0,20%

The value of annual each contribution cannot exceed 25% of the income tax generated in the fiscal year 2018.

Those taxpayers who did not generate income tax in the fiscal year 2018 are not required to file and pay the temporary tax return. The advanced income tax shall not be considered if the amount was higher than the income tax generated.

If the amount of the taxable income or the amount of the income tax declared in the income tax return filed for the fiscal year 2018 changes, a substitute tax return must be submitted.

If the entity is liquidated before the date on which the temporary tax return must be filed, the tax must be paid in advance with respect to the fiscal year in which the liquidation takes place. Entities liquidated until December 31, 2019 are not required to pay the temporary tax.


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