Tax regime for small businesses


Resolution NAC-DGERCGC20-00000060 issued on September 29, 2020 and published in the Special Edition of the Official Registry 1100 on September 30, 2020, the Director of the Internal Revenue Service established the rules for applying the tax regime for small businesses.

1. Definitions

  1. Small business: It is a productive unit that has up to 9 workers and an annual revenue equal to or less than US$300,000.00. For classifying an enterprise as a small business, the amount of income will prevail over the number of workers.
  2. Main economic activity: The economic activity registered in the Tax Registry (RUC) which generates the higher amount of income during a fiscal year in comparison with the other activities.
  3. Commissioner: Individual, corporation or permanent establishment that habitually engages in the sale of goods, rights, or the provision of services in exchange for a commission.
  4. Capital gains: Profits derived from the placement of capital, shares, credits, and investments of any nature, as long as they do not involve productive processes, the provision of services or other work. For example, the lease of real estate.
  5. Self-employed individuals: Individuals who regularly performs an economic activity on his own account without a labor relationship and receives an income different from a salary or wage. Economic activities of liberal occupation are excluded.
  6. Professional services: Services provided by individuals who have a professional title and are directly related to that title. Including activities related to education, teaching and training related to the professional title.

2. Inclusion/exclusion from the microenterprise regime

The Internal Revenue Service will be able to include or exclude ex officio in the register of small businesses those taxpayers who fulfill or no longer fulfill the conditions to be considered as such. This registry will be published on the IRS website until September 30 of each year.

Taxpayers will be subject to this regime from the first day of the fiscal year following their inclusion of the registry.

The ex officio exclusion will be executed without the need for prior notice and will take effect from the first day of the fiscal year following that exclusion.

Taxpayers who have been subject to the regime for 5 years will cease to be part of it from the first day of the year following the date on which the maximum time was reached.

When taxpayers consider that their inclusion or exclusion from the regime is not appropriate, they are able to file a petition to have that decision reviewed in a term of 20 days counted from the publication of the registry.

3. Registration of new taxpayers

When obtaining the tax registry (RUC), the taxpayer must inform the Tax Authority all its economic activities, the income that might be derived from such activities and the number of workers.

If the taxpayer fulfills the conditions to be considered as a small business, it will be able to start its activity under the small business regime. Otherwise, he will begin its activity subject to the general regime and the authority is able to include the taxpayer in the regime ex officio.

4. Limitations to the regime for microenterprises

Taxpayers who exclusively develop one or more of the following activities will not be subject to the small business regime:

  1. Those taxpayers who are subject to the Simplified Tax Regime for Ecuador (RISE) and Simplified Tax Regime for the Organizations of the Popular and Solidarity Economy.
  2. International organizations, multilateral organizations, specialized international agencies, non-governmental organizations, government institutions and public enterprises.
  3. The financial institutions subject to the control of the Superintendence of Banks, and the organizations of the popular and solidary financial sector, subject to the control of the Superintendence of Popular and Solidary Economy.
  4. Those taxpayers who exclusively develop construction and urbanization activities.
  5. Those taxpayers who exclusively develop activities of liberal occupation, as well as individuals whose economic activity is the provision of professional services, notaries, and registrars.
  6. Those taxpayers who provide public transport services to passengers, as well as the services of commercial transport.
  7. Those taxpayers who exclusively obtain income from a labor relationship.
  8. Those taxpayers who exclusively obtain income subject to single income tax.
  9. Those taxpayers that exclusively obtain capital gains, including holding companies.
  10. Those taxpayers that carry out exploration, exploitation and/or transportation activities of non-renewable natural resources.
  11. Those taxpayers that receive income from international transport of passengers, cargo, express airlines, or couriers incorporated under foreign laws and that operate in the country through branches, permanent establishments, agents, or representatives.
  12. Distributors of hydrocarbon derivatives, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, and biofuels.

5. Taxpayer’s obligations

Taxpayers subject to the small business regime must comply with the formal and material obligations set forth in the law, including the following:

  1. Entities are required to keep accounting books in accordance with the regulations established by the controlling authorities. In the case of individuals, if they are required to keep accounting books, they must follow the International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs.
  2. Taxpayers are required to issue invoices and withholding receipts and complementary documents in applicable cases. The documents must contain the caption “Small Business Taxpayer”.
  3. Taxpayers are required to file value added tax (VAT), excise tax (ICE) and income tax returns on a semester basis, in the months of July (first semester) and January (second semester).
    However, taxpayers may file the VAT and ICE tax return on a monthly basis, during the entire fiscal year.
  4. Taxpayers must file an annual income tax return, in addition to the semi-annual income tax returns in the following cases:
    • Entities and permanent establishments in all cases.
    • Individuals who receive income from sources different form the activities subject to the small business regime.
    • Individuals who request the reimbursement of income tax.
  5. Taxpayers who are required to file the Simplified Transaction Annex (ATS) must file it every six months. If they choose to file the VAT return on a monthly basis, the ATS must also be filed on a monthly basis.
  6.  Taxpayers who are required to file the excise tax annex must file it every six months. If they choose to file the excise tax return on a monthly basis, the annex must also be filed on a monthly basis.

6. Withholding taxes

Taxpayers subject to the small business regime are not required to withhold income tax or VAT, except if they are qualified by the IRS as special taxpayers or withholding agents and in other cases established by law.

<p style="text-align: justify;">However, taxpayers under the regime will be subject to income tax and VAT withholding. In the case of income tax, the withholding tax percentage will be 1.75% over the income derived from the business activities subject to the regime. If the taxpayer obtains revenue from sources other than the business activity subject to the regime, such revenue will be subject to the withholding percentages provided in the current tax regulations.

If taxpayers subject to the regime have made withholdings, they must declare and pay them as follows:

  1. Value added tax withholdings on a monthly or semi-annual basis, depending on the periodicity of the VAT return.
  2. Income tax withholdings on a semi-annual basis, in the months of July -first semester- and January -second semester-.
  3. If the taxpayer did not make any withholdings, the return must not be filed.

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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.


Tax Regime for Microenterprises


Regulation NAC-DGERCGC20-00000011 issued by the Internal Revenue Service and published on February 21, 2020 in the Supplement to the Official Registry 148, establishes the rules for applying the Tax Regime for Microenterprises created by the Law of Simplification and Tax Progressivity.

Microenterprises are those individuals or entities whose annual income is equal to or less than US $ 300,000.00 and, that have 1 to 9 workers.

The Internal Revenue Service is able to include or exclude from the especial regime, taxpayers who meet the conditions to qualify as microenterprises. For this purpose, the Tax Authority is able to update the taxpayer tax ID without prior notice and, it must publish a microenterprises registry on its web page (

Taxpayers who consider that they should not have been included in the microenterprises tax regimen may request their exclusion until April 7, 2020.

Taxpayers included in the Tax Regime for Microenterprises must comply with the following:

  1. Issue invoices in accordance with current regulations.
  2. Request proof of sale to support the acquisition of goods or provision of services.
  3. Keep accounting books or a record of income and expenses as appropriate.
  4. File tax returns when appropriate. In the case of VAT and excise tax (ICE), the tax returns must be filed semiannually in the months of July and January of each year.
  5. Submit the annexes of information when appropriate, and
  6. Fulfill the other formal duties indicated in the Tax Code.

Taxpayers registered in the microenterprise’s registry must apply the regime from February 2020. Therefore, they will not act as withholding agents for income tax or value added tax since said month.

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DISCLAIMER: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.


Law for Simplification and Progressivity of the Tax Regime


Below we will analyse the Law for Simplification and Progressivity of the Tax Regime published on December 31, 2019 in the Supplement of the Official Registry 111, amended the Internal Tax Regime Law.


Dividends distributed to individuals with tax residence in Ecuador and entities and individuals located abroad are subject to income tax. Only dividends distributed to entities with tax residence in Ecuador or permanent establishments located in Ecuador are exempted from income tax.

The taxable income is equal to 40% of the dividend effectively distributed. The concept of global dividend is eliminated (dividend distributed plus taxes paid by the company) and consequently the tax credit for taxes paid by the company.

Dividends distributed to individuals with tax residence in Ecuador are subject to up to 25% withholding. The Tax Authority will issue a regulation establishing the withholding percentage applicable, according to the amount of the dividend.

Dividends distributed to entities and individuals residing abroad will be subject to 25% withholding tax. However, if the Ecuadorian entity that distributes the dividends fails to report its corporate structure, the withholding percentage applicable to the dividend paid abroad will be 35%.

It is ratified that the capital increase with retained earnings (stock dividend) will not be taxed.

Interest Expense:

In the case of interest paid by banks, insurance companies and entities of the financial sector of the Popular and Solidarity Economy:

Interest that exceeds the interest rate established by the Monetary and Financial Policy and Regulation Board will not be deductible.

The total amount of the loans granted abroad -directly or indirectly- by related parties, may not be greater than 300% of the entity equity. Interest paid or accrued with respect to credits that exceed this percentage will not be deductible.

In the case of interest paid by entities or individuals, the total amount of the net interest paid on loans granted by related parties must not exceed 20% of the entity´s profit before labor participation, plus interest, depreciation and amortization corresponding to the respective fiscal year. Interest paid or accrued that exceed this percentage will not be deductible.

Creation a temporary tax to be paid:

  • How much should be paid? 

Entities that perform economic activities and whose taxable income in fiscal year 2018 are equal to or exceeded one million dollars.

  • How much should be paid?

The amount to be paid must be calculated according to the following chart:

Gross taxable income
from (US$) 

Gross taxable income up

Rate 1.000.000 5.000.000 0,10% 5.000.001 10.000.000 0,15% 10.000.001 Onwards 0,20%

The amount of the tax shall not exceed 25% of the income tax generated in the fiscal year 2018.

  • When should the tax be paid?
When should the tax be paid? The tax shall be paid annually during the fiscal years 2020, 2021 and 2022, until March 31st of each year. Failure to submit the tax form within the deadline will be sanctioned with a fine equal to US$1,500.00 for each month or fraction of a month. The fine will not exceed 100% of the contribution.

Important reforms

  • VAT on digital services:

Digital services are subject to 12% VAT. The taxable event occurs when: In the case of import of digital services, the taxable event occurs when the importer of the service -an entity or permanent establishment located in Ecuador- pays the service provider. In the case of delivery of goods, the taxable event occurs when the importer pays for the delivery services of such goods. The VAT will be applicable over the amount of such delivery services.

The VAT on digital services will be applicable starting July 2020.

Web domain services, hosting and cloud computing services are subject to 0% VAT.

  • Foreign Exchange Control Tax:

The exemptions of foreign exchange control tax were amended as follows:

  1. Investments from abroad made in the Ecuador stock market. These investments may be made in equity securities or in fixed income securities.
  2. Dividends: Dividends paid to entities or individuals residing in tax havens is exempted. This exemption is not applicable if the dividends are distributed to foreign entities which shareholder –directly or indirectly- are individuals or entities with tax residence in Ecuador which are shareholders of the entity that distributed the dividend.
  3. Payments made abroad for financial returns, and capital gains derived form:
    • Investments from abroad made in the Ecuador stock market. These investments may be made in equity securities or in fixed income securities.
    • Securities issued by entities domiciled in Ecuador, that were acquired abroad, destined to finance housing, microcredit or productive investments.
    • Fixed-term deposits or investments made with resources from abroad in local financial institutions.

This exemption does not apply if the payment is made between related parties.