State of emergency – tax measures (April 1st)


Regulation NAC-DGERCGC20-000000025 issued by the Internal Revenue Service on April 1, 2020 regulates the application of Executive Decree 1021 by which regulated certain tax issues with regard to the state of emergency.

1. New deadline for filing the income tax return

Taxpayers, except non-profit and government entities, may file the corporate income tax return for the fiscal year 2019, without generating fines or interest, until the dates described in the following chart:

Tax ID 9th digit

Due date

1 and 2 April 15, 2020 3 and 4 April 17, 2020 5 and 6 April 21, 2020 7 April 23, 2020 8 and 9 April 29, 2020 0 April 30, 2020

Non-profit and government entities may file the corporate income tax return for the fiscal year 2019, without generating fines or interest, until the dates described in the following chart:

Tax ID 9th digit

Due date

1 and 2 May 4, 2020 3 and 4 May 5, 2020 5 and 6 May 6, 2020 7 and 8 May 7, 2020 9 and 0 May 8, 2020

2. Taxpayers that are able to defer the payment of taxes:

The following taxpayers are able to defer the payment of corporate income tax of the fiscal year 2019 and, value added tax (VAT) to be declared in April, May and June 2020:

  • Micro-enterprises understood as those that obtained gross revenues of up to US$300,000.00 during fiscal year 2019.
  • Taxpayers that, before March 27, 2020, have registered the province of Galapagos in their Tax ID (RUC).
  • Taxpayers that are regular exporters of goods, or that 50% of their income derives from the export of goods; or,
  • Taxpayers that, before March 27, 2020, have registered one of the following as their main economic activity in their Tax ID:
    • The operation of airlines,
    • The provision of accommodation and/or food services; or,
    • Activities of the agricultural sector.


3. Deadlines for paying the corporate income tax:

Taxpayers described in paragraph 2 are able to pay the corporate income tax of the fiscal year 2019 in a single installment, according to the general rules of the Income Tax Regime Law and its regulations, or in six installments, in accordance with the following percentages:

Month for filing
the tax return 


April, 2020 April, 2020 10% April, 2020 May, 2020 10% April, 2020 June, 2020 20% April, 2020 July, 2020 20% April, 2020 August, 2020 20% April, 2020 September, 2020 20%

The first installment shall be paid on the date the return is due in accordance with the schedule set forth in paragraph 1. The remaining 5 installments shall be made through the Multiple Payment Form in accordance with the following schedule:

Tax ID 9th digit:

Due date:

1 10th of each month 2 12th of each month 3 14th of each month 4 16th of each month 5 18th of each month 6 20th of each month 7 22th of each month 8 24th of each month 9 26th of each month 0 28th of each month

If the taxpayer doesn’t pay the tax within the deadlines described before, it would be subject to pay the applicable interests and fines.


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DISCLAIMER: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.


State of emergency – tax measures


By Executive Decree 1021 issued on March 27, 2020, the President of Ecuador, adopted the following tax measures within the state of emergency:

1. Income tax withholding:

The following entities will be required to withhold and pay on a monthly basis income tax over their total taxable income obtained in each month:

Entity activity 

Monthly income tax withholding rate (%)

Financial institutions under the supervision of the Superintendency of Banks and entities that provide mobile telephone services. 1,75% Entities that have entered into contracts with the Goverment for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons under any modality or, contracts for specific works and services under the Hydrocarbons Law or, complementary petroleum services as well as transportation of crude oil. 1,5%

The withholding tax receipt must be issued in the name of the withholding agent and the value withheld will be consider as tax credit for paying the withholding agent’s income tax.

2. Tax payment deadlines:

For this time only, the taxpayers who at this date are considered as:

  • Micro-enterprises;
  • Those domiciled in Galapagos Islands;
  • Those who are regular exporters of goods, or that 50% of their income derived from the export of goods; or,
  • Those whose economic activity is:
    1. The operation of airlines,
    2. The tourism sector, exclusively those that provide accommodation and/or food services; or,
    3. The agricultural sector.

Will be able to pay the corporate income tax for the fiscal year 2019 and the value added tax (VAT) to be paid in April, May and June 2020 as follows:

  1. Payments will be made in 6 installments during the year 2020 in the following percentages: in each of the first two months, the taxpayers are required to pay 10% of the total value; and, in each of the remaining four months, taxpayers are required to pay 20% of the total value.
  2. These payments will be made according to the ninth digit of Tax ID as follows:
Ninth Digit of Tax ID 

Payment Date

1 10th of each month 2 12th of each month 3 14th of each month 4 16th of each month 5 18th of each month 6 20th of each month 7 22nd of each month 8 24th of each month 9 26th of each month 0 28th of each month

Taxpayers domiciled in the province of Galapagos are able to make the payment until the 28th of each month..

If a payment deadline overlaps with a mandatory rest day or holiday, the deadline shall be the next working day unless that day falls on the following month, in which case the payment deadline shall be anticipated to the last working day of the month.

If the taxpayer makes the payment after the deadlines have expired, he must pay the respective interest and fines in addition to the tax

  1. The payment of 2019 corporate income tax for the entities described above, will be made from April to September 2020 in the percentages and terms indicated in numbers 1 and 2 of this document.
  2. The payment of VAT for the months of April, May and June 2020 will be made in the percentages and terms described above, in the following months:
VAT to be paid in the month of

Months of Payment:

April 2020 From April to September, 2020 May 2020 From May to October, 2020 June 2020 From June to November, 2020
  1. Taxpayers subject to the Micro-enterprise Taxation Regime shall file their VAT return on a semi-annual basis. These taxpayers will not be subject to the exception regime detailed above.


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DISCLAIMER: The previous text has been prepared for informational purposes. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any additional determined situation requires the specific opinion and concept of the firm.