World Trademark Review – The fact that two marks cover different classes is not a determining criterion when examining the risk of confusion



DATE: 30-09-2020


-Katherine González

Our associate Katherine González publishes an article in the specialized media World Trademark Review in which she comments on SENADI’s decision to reject Discovery’s opposition against the registration of the trademark DOKI MAS LOGOTIPO, based on its previous trademark DOKI. On appeal, the Intellectual Property Office ruled that the fact that two trademarks belong to different classes does not necessarily imply that there is no confusion between them and that there was a direct relationship between their goods and services.

In the text, González explains that, initially, SENADI granted the registration of the DOKI MAS LOGOTIPO brand for class 44 services; SENADI considered that there was no risk of confusion with the DOKI registered trademark, since the latter belonged to a different class. In the appeal to this registration, the Intellectual Property Office accepted the opponent’s arguments and established that the fact that two trademarks that belong to different classes is not a determining criterion to assess the risk of confusion between them.

“In the first instance, SENADI rejected the opposition and granted the registration because there was no risk of confusion or association for consumers. Despite the fact that the trademarks shared an identical word element, they covered products / services of different classes. Discovery appealed this decision presenting a clear and detailed list of the products and services in question and arguing that, despite the difference in classes, the trademarks were intended to protect the products and services that were directly related and complementary “, details our associate.

“The decision confirms the importance of carrying out a detailed and specific analysis in each case, in the event of possible trademark litigation,” adds González, who believes that this decision is very important due to the large number of products offered for sale online.

If you want to see the article (under registration), click here.

The exhaustion of Instances by the State: A Problem in Intellectual Property

The administrative authority and one or more private parties intervene in the vast majority of administrative procedures regarding Intellectual Property. Once this stage has been exhausted, resolutions issued by the National Intellectual Rights Service (SENADI) can be judicially challenged before the competent Administrative Contentious Court. The processes culminate with the sentence that agrees with one of the parties. With its execution, the mission of imparting justice is considered accomplished. However, the experience in intellectual property matters is different.

Once the client obtains a favorable ruling from the Contentious Administrative Court, SENADI usually files a cassation extraordinary appeal to prevent the execution of the Court’s ruling. This attitude is not justified because it is a dispute between private parties, in which the resources of the State are not compromised.

The competence of the aforementioned institution to appeal adverse decisions is not questioned, since we understand that it wants its criteria to prevail, however, it is necessary to consider that the filing of these appeals by SENADI is not always motivated to protect public interests.

In terms of intellectual property, there is no justification for SENADI in all cases to try to nullify the sentence so that its legal criteria prevail. With this attitude, state resources are wasted because the Supreme Court must allocate time to address these challenges. Worse still, in cases in which SENADI files an extraordinary protection action before the Constitutional Court.

It is very difficult for Intellectual Property clients to accept this behavior from the administrative authority, which seems to be destined to hinder the timely exercise of the corresponding rights. This reality is even worse in the case of patents, whose validity is 20 years from the filing of the application, since the administrative and judicial procedures can consume half of that time and in some cases the full term.

The justice system is saturated in Ecuador; responsibility, effective judicial protection and legal security do not go hand in hand with the principle of opportunity. The exhaustion of resources and actions by SENADI should not become the rule, since this causes the processes to be delayed, the execution of the sentences postponed and greater public and private resources spent.

Ruth Holguín
Associate at CorralRosales