ASIPI – Interview with María Cecilia Romoleroux



DATE: 14-03-2020


-María Cecilia Romoleroux

María Cecilia Rpmoleroux, Co-chair Host Committee, Quito

  1. The XXII ASIPI Workshops and Board of Directors will be held in November 2020. Its organization is always an interesting job for the Organizing Committee that you Co-Chair. Tell us how the work has been divided.

Paul and I have made a very good team, and the truth is that we have not divided the work; instead we are cooperating in all fields. The support of ASIPI’s young associates has been very valuable.

  1. What has been the most difficult in the organization of the Conference?

Agreeing with so many people is always complicated, but we have already achieved an agreement on everything. Quito is an easy city to show, since there is so much to see. The “Law Offices” event may always be the one that needs the most agreements, but the collaboration of Johana Aguirre and her team in this event has been invaluable.

  1. What does Quito have that differentiates it from other host cities?

Quito is a Cultural Heritage of Humanity with the best-preserved historical center in the region, making it a city that already offers a lot by itself. Now if you add to this the enthusiasm we have to show Quito during ASIPI, just try to picture the difference.

  1. Why should ASIPI members attend?

ASIPI is the most important Intellectual Property conference in the region, and if you add to this the fact of being able to know Quito, the first cultural heritage of America! And also to go to the Galapagos Islands, the result is an event that you cannot miss.

  1. We know that you are the first Ecuadorian to sit on the INTA board of directors, as well as the first Ecuadorian to be part of the Programming Committee of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI). How did you achieve that honor? If a young associate asks you for advice on pursuing a similar career, what would you say?

I have indeed had the pleasure of having several positions of relevance, being one of my favorites Co-Chairing the “Quito 2020” Host Committee. My advice would be that these positions are only achieved by showing work and dedication to your own ideals and to each association. There are many “bumps” along the way but the key to success is to keep on going ignoring them, since they are only “bumps”.

If you want to read the full interview in Spanish (on page 14), click here

Revista Ekos – Between lawyer and woman: María Cecilia Romoleroux



DATE: 3-01-2020


-María Cecilia Romoleroux

MEDIA: Revista Ekos

María Cecilia Romoleroux is a career lawyer and has excelled in various fields at a national and international level. Her passion for the law has allowed her to be a pioneer in areas where women were not easily accepted.

Her career is marked by gender inequality, but this was not an impediment to being the first Ecuadorian woman to be part of the board of directors of the International Trademark Association (INTA) or of the Programming Committee of the International Association for Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI).

In an interview with Ekos Magazine, María Cecilia shared her experiences on the empowerment of women and the work that must be done in Ecuador to achieve gender parity. Her history began in the classrooms of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador where only a small group of women could complete their studies, one by one they started to drop out due to various circumstances.

“For two years I worked in a free clinic for abused women. A situation that humanizes you and allows you to understand the need to empower women”, said Maria Cecilia, who stressed that no person should be an “appendix ”of anyone.

Thus, she decided to enter a more technical niche; the world of intellectual property. After a successful performance she joined a local association where she became vice president. However, when she was ready to be promoted to the presidency, they closed the doors for her because “they were not ready for a woman to be president much less on such a specific field”

“They took me out of the local sphere but I started working internationally. I joined various associations and tried to make a name of myself”, she said.

Some time later, María Cecilia joined CorralRosales as a partner and also has had an extensive career as a mediator and judge / judicial assistant. She is one of the few professionals who holds a partnership in a national law firm. According to Romoleroux, this is due to the fact that “women do not give themselves the opportunity to go far. It is necessary to work from dawn to dusk, travel and possibly miss many family-related activities.”

“You have to combine the roles between mother and lawyer.”

“Many times society does not help professional woman reach high positions”, says Maria Cecilia; an issue that was ratified by the Ekos Group Research Unit who conducted a survey to find out the number of women who hold CEO and management positions. The result shows that only 37.3% of women have such positions in contrast to that of men 62.7%.

“This reality is not very far from the realm of law. In such sexist communities it is difficult to be a mother, wife and professional at the same time”, said the expert. That is why there are countries – like Italy – that have limited spaces for women to be partners or directors of consortia or legal groups. On the other hand, factors such as the Ecuadorian work environment causes men to have an advantage above women at time of selection or hiring for new positions.

In spite of all the social obstacles, last year María Cecilia was recognized as “Women Chambers in Law 2018 for Ecuador” in the annual awards ceremony for Chambers and Partners Legal Directory within the Diversity and Inclusion Awards category, where her career, achievements and especially her legacy were analyzed; that is, the projects she is taking on to leave a mark or a way forward in the country.

Finally, María Cecilia Romoleroux shared what her motivation to dedicate herself to this legal field was and her answer was a simple: “life gave me this”.


1990: Doctor of Jurisprudence at the Catholic University of Ecuador

1991: Paralegal program at Georgetown University, United States of America

1993: International Relations – Ship for the World Youth, Japan

1997: Master Lucentinus in Copyright at the University of Alicante


2000-2014: Mediator of the Ecuadorian-American Chamber

2002-present: Partner in intellectual property and regulation, CorralRosales

1999-2000: Secretary of the Ecuadorian Association of Industrial Property Agents

2001-2003: Vice President of the Ecuadorian Association of Industrial Property Agents

2003-2019: International Intellectual Property mediator for International Trademark Association

2009-2012: Judicial Assistant of the Administrative Contentious Court

2012-present: Mediator and arbitrator for ASIPI

2017-2019: INTA board member

2019-2021: Member of the Programming Committee at the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété intellectualle

2019-2021: ASIPI President of the Committee of Counterfeiting


2017: President of the first Latin American INTA conference in Cartagena

2018: Winner of the Chambers “Lawyer of the Year” award

2019: Nominated International Program Leader for INTA Boston

2020: Chairman of the Host Committee for ASIPI Quito

If you want to read the interview in spanish, press here

Teleamazonas – Annual and/or monthly taxes apply from January 1st



FECHA: 2-01-2020


-Andrea Moya

DATE: Teleamazonas

Our Partner, Andrea Moya, has been interviewed by the Teleamazonas news to explain the tax amendments introduced by the “Tax Simplification and Progressivity Law” and the date on which the amendments come into force.

“When taxes must be paid on an annual or monthly basis, the amendments entry into force from the first day of the following month. All amendments, in general, are effective as of January 1, with certain exceptions. The first exception is the distribution of dividends. This amendments entry into force on December 31,” Andrea Moya said in the interview.

Another of the points analyzed by our Partner was the amendment to the sub capitalization limit. “Previously, in credits between related parties you had a sub capitalization rule. Now this limit for interest expense changed to 20% of the profit. This should only affect contracts signed as of this date,” she explained. However, this has not been clarified in the law.

Another of the reforms that will come into force in 180 days, is the VAT for digital services, such as Uber or Netflix. “All the concepts that the law does not regulate specifically, the Tax Authority will have to issue a regulation” Andrea Moya points out during her interview.

All these changes could mean an amount of 600 million US dollars in revenue for the Government.

If you want to watch the video, press here