Reinstatement of administrative procedures at the Ministry of Labor


The Ministry of Labor (“MdT”) through Resolution No. MDT-2020-024 dated June 10th, decided to resume as of June 15, 2020, the hearings, terms, deadlines, and prescriptions that were suspended, within the following procedures:

  • “Visto Bueno” (employment termination with cause);
  • Administrative proceedings;
  • Administrative appeals;
  • Collection actions; and,
  • Other administrative procedures followed at any MdT unit.

Complaints submitted under the emergent procedure during the state of emergency will continue the on-line procedure until its completion.

Deadlines and terms of the administrative procedures for those county for which the restrictions continue to be under red light will be resumed when the restrictions change to yellow light, in accordance with the provisions issued by the county Emergency Operations Committee.

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DISCLAIMER: The preceding text has been prepared for general information purposes only. CorralRosales is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of having acted or stopped acting based on the information contained in this document. Any given situation requires the specific opinion and view of the firm in Quito / Guayaquil, Ecuador.