On January 18, 2024, the National Assembly issued the Organic Law for Equal Pay between Men and Women, hereby the “Law”, published in the Supplement to the Official Gazette No. 481 of January 19, 2024, of which we highlight the following:
- Its objective is to guarantee equal remuneration and any other form of economic retribution between men and women.
- It establishes guidelines to determine that the work rendered is of equal value and obeys objective factors related to performance, competence, and qualifications, working conditions, effort, and responsibility.
- It imposes the following obligations on employers:a) To continuously train their personnel both men and women in labor rights. These trainings will be registered and controlled by the Labor Authority.
b) To report annually the actions oriented to achieve equal remuneration, which will be certified by the Labor Authority.
- The employers may denounce the non-compliance of their rights to equal remuneration, which must be answered by the employer in detail within a term of 15 days.
- If in a complaint process the violation of the right to equal remuneration is verified, the employer must make the payment corresponding to the difference in remuneration with retroactive effect and establish a new remuneration.
- Failure to comply with the obligations established by the Law will result in a penalty.
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