MEDIA: Idealex
Our associate Rafael Serrano has written an article in the Idealex about ‘Teleworking and Information Security’ due to the large increase in people changing their way of work because of the pandemic. In his article, Serrano analyzes “the risks of telework related to one of the main assets of companies -information- and to provide efficient technical and legal tools to mitigate these risks”.
As detailed in the article, it is more difficult for an employer to know how the company’s information is handled by staff teleworking since he is not in the same place as his employees. Thus, he must pay greater attention to the protection of the information and labor tools provided. To do this, the employer must take appropriate security measures for this new situation.
“In this sense, information security must comply with three essential parameters: integrity, confidentiality and availability. Integrity implies that the information is correct, and has not been deleted or modified without the authorization of the owner. Confidentiality refers to the fact that the information can only be accessed by people who are authorized to access it. Lastly, availability means that information can be accessed when needed. ”Says Serrano.
Employers must take legal and technical measures to protect the information from any danger that may arise based on the three parameters described above.
The technical measures include the use of programs, systems, or devices aimed to preserve the information. The legal measures include the use of “the different instruments to have a complete information protection policy” by employers.
It is important to preserve the value of the company’s information.