In application of the powers conferred by Article 148 of the Constitution, the President of the Republic issued Decree No. 741 (the “Decree”) whereby the President dissolves Congress and ordered the National Electoral Council to call for legislative and presidential elections to complete the current respective terms.

The aforementioned powers allow the President to dissolve Congress when, in his opinion, there is a “serious political crisis and internal commotion”. It does not require the prior determination of the Constitutional Court and may be exercised only once during the first three years of office.

The National Electoral Council, within a maximum term of 7 days after the publication of the Decree, will call for legislative and presidential elections for the remainder of the current term, which ends in May 2025.

To sum up,  i) the President has made use of a constitutional power expressly contemplated in Article 148 of the Constitution; and, ii) in approximately 6 months a new President and Vice President of the Republic and members of Congress will take office, for a term to end in May 2025. In the meantime, the President remains in office and may issue economic decree laws, with the approval of the Constitutional Court.


Leader of the Competition, Corporate and M&A areas
Xavier Rosales, partner at CorralRosales
+593 2 2544144

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